eB Swau Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 1 minute ago, uSp said: 1. La Staff e ok să rămână toţi în funcţie, deşi poate pe rpg3 şi 4 se obţine mai uşor funcţia dar asta e. 2. La lideri eu aş opta pentru varianta 3, să rămână liderii de pe serverele principale. În rest e ok. mi se pare corect 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RW MiR HaSSaN Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 @Kelton @Bobo but whats about if i have a biz on rpg3 and it worths 10kk+ how will it get back it after merge??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DYZE Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 Salut, sunt liderul LSPD de pe sv Rpg3, în primul rand as vrea sa ma adresez tuturor celor ce au specificat faptul ca cei ce vin de pe rpg3 sau 4 ar trb sa fie în dezavantaj ca vezi doamne se iau mai ușor funcțiile. Nu știu cine va mințiți, dar nu cred ca va este ușor, cel puțin în cazul meu sa stați 350+ ca să luați un amarat de colider iar apoi lider. Consider ca ar trebuii luate decizii strict egale în cazurile fiecaror playeri ce vin de pe serverele rpg3, respectiv rpg4, dar și în cazul Rpg1 și Rpg2. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GaBBlue Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 Cel mai bine RPG 3 cu RPG 1, RPG 4 cu RPG 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TLG AdyWTF Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 1 minute ago, eB Swau said: mi se pare corect Mie nu mi s-ar parea corect sa decurga la varianta C, deoarece nu am eu chef sa pierd liderul din cauza unui inactiv care are zile mai putine decat mine la membru si la lider. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cuero Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 3 minutes ago, South South said: this topic is about the fusion what are you talking about?, if you have something else not related to This topic leave it in a PM, one more thing do i know you? If this topic is about fusion, why did you attack Ralucy? Of course you pretend you don't know me, Tylenol. Just assume the fact that you're a stupid kid. Go and pass your manners exams. Cya after you graduate 5th class. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CosmiBY Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 1 minute ago, eB Swau said: mi se pare correct Tie ti se pare correct ca tu esti de pe RPG 2 si iti lasa functia dar de exemplu eu sau altii de pe 4 care au stat peste 600 de zile pentru functia de lider? tie ti ar placea sa astepti atat? Normal ca nu. Eu zic cu 2 lideri pana la urma suntem oameni si trebuie sa ne intelegem cum a zis si @Clanin3 pot interveni si Admini 4 . O zi buna. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eB Swau Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 1 minute ago, EmmerichHKT said: Salut, sunt liderul LSPD de pe sv Rpg3, în primul rand as vrea sa ma adresez tuturor celor ce au specificat faptul ca cei ce vin de pe rpg3 sau 4 ar trb sa fie în dezavantaj ca vezi doamne se iau mai ușor funcțiile. Nu știu cine va mințiți, dar nu cred ca va este ușor, cel puțin în cazul meu sa stați 350+ ca să luați un amarat de colider iar apoi lider. Consider ca ar trebuii luate decizii strict egale în cazurile fiecaror playeri ce vin de pe serverele rpg3, respectiv rpg4, dar și în cazul Rpg1 și Rpg2. Tu ai nivel 59 si 1780 de ore jucate, pe RPG2 liderul din LSPD are nivel 105 si 3500 de ore jucate, pe RPG1 liderul LSPD are nivel 120 si 5500 de ore jucate, cum poti sa zici ca nu se ia mult mai usor lider pe 3 si 4 ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CCosmin Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 Salut! Cel mai bine ar fii să nu să se facă nicio fuziune. Nu s-a făcut ani de zile de când e B-Zone și acum se face.. păi e și ceva normal după atâția an de SA:MP, ți se ia la un moment dat. Rămâne așa cu 4 servere, jucătorii se știu bine, factiunile au membrii lor, așa dacă se duc la altcineva cine știe cum se comportă cu ei. Și dacă s-ar face să rămână 2 lideri, nu cu unu singur deoarece și liderul de pe RPG3 a muncit pentru funcție, nu a luat-o ''moca'' la fel și cel de pe 1 la nimeni nu le convine așa doar cu un singur lider. Cu puțini playeri sau mulți nu contează, fiecare își face activitatea cum poate, dacă nu există demisie dar dacă vrea să meargă mai departe și vrea da. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
D a n n Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 2 minutes ago, eB Swau said: mi se pare corect normal ca ti se pare corect deoarece esti de pe 2, daca ai fii de pe 3/4 nu ti s-ar prea corect. Dupa tine, liderul de pe 4 a muncit foarte mult sa obtina acea functie iar i se scoate pentru ca 2 e principalu, crede-ma, daca ai fii de pe 3/4 nu ti s-ar parea deloc corect, ai alege varianta cu 2 lideri. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dani EL Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 19 minutes ago, South Panda said: Da, ai dreptate, dar dupa cum am mai spus, este o diferenta foarte mare, ar fi o prostie sa fie scoase la licitatie iarasi toate bizurile, gen, sa primim toti banii inapoi si sa licitam, pai... eu daca primesc inapoi cei 400kk de pe Paintball, pot licita iara si sa iau iar Bizu, dar unul ce a primit cadou un biz foarte productiv, pe care ar avea oferte de 200kk dar ceilalati il evalueaza la 100, are de pierdut, nu? Da, dar daca o sa oferi bani jucatorilor care vin de pe 3 respectiv 4 pe 1 sau 2 o sa trebuiasca sa primeasca suma inapoi la economia actuala de pe serverele respective, cum o dai, cum nu o dai, trebuie sa fie o egalitate, cel putin asa consider eu. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Revenant Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 curious to those who have same 2 account in same faction on bothe servers xD do they have to choose? or direct 3/3 wich the script does i guess Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eB Swau Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 Just now, D a n n said: normal ca ti se pare corect deoarece esti de pe 2, daca ai fii de pe 3/4 nu ti s-ar prea corect. Dupa tine, liderul de pe 4 a muncit foarte mult sa obtina acea functie iar i se scoate pentru ca 2 e principalu, crede-ma, daca ai fii de pe 3/4 nu ti s-ar parea deloc corect, ai alege varianta cu 2 lideri. Uita-te si tu ce lideri sunt pe RPG1 si RPG2 (FH, functii anterioare, lvl, ore) si ce lideri sunt pe RPG3 si RPG4, liderii de pe 2 si 1 sunt mult mai superiori cand vine vorba de aceste lucruri Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RayoK Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 Cred că cu toții știm că pe RPG4 numărul de codați din mafii și nu numai este cel mai mare, iar serverul RPG1 are Staff-ul cel mai matur și experimentat, prin vechime și nu numai. Propun să se facă între RPG1 și RPG4, respectiv RPG2 și RPG3. Combaterea codaților de către o echipă Staff mai bună duce la eliminarea acestora. Așa cum a zis și Kelton, mulți au plecat de pe RPG2 odată ce s-a deschis RPG3. Asta e strict părerea mea. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eB Swau Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 Just now, Konny said: Cred că cu toții știm că pe RPG4 numărul de codați din mafii și nu numai este cel mai mare, iar serverul RPG1 are Staff-ul cel mai matur și experimentat, prin vechime și nu numai. Propun să se facă între RPG1 și RPG4, respectiv RPG2 și RPG3. Combaterea codaților de către o echipă Staff mai bună duce la eliminarea acestora. Așa cum a zis și Kelton, mulți au plecat de pe RPG2 odată ce s-a deschis RPG3. Asta e strict părerea mea. Fix la fel zic si eu, ft adevarat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr.Richard Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 Servere pricipale, deci sincer sunteti penibili si nu stiti ce inseamna egalitate. Era un player care imi zice "noi am fost aici prima data" si saracu` avea cont de doua luni. Hai ma lasi, incercati sa va deschideti mintea. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
South LeniN Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 1 minute ago, Dani EL said: Da, dar daca o sa oferi bani jucatorilor care vin de pe 3 respectiv 4 pe 1 sau 2 o sa trebuiasca sa primeasca suma inapoi la economia actuala de pe serverele respective, cum o dai, cum nu o dai, trebuie sa fie o egalitate, cel putin asa consider eu. Uite, daca spre exemplu, in cazul meu ca detin Paintball si ca pe RPG1 valoreaza 400kk... eu nu am nimic impotriva ca cel ce vine de pe RPG3 sa primeasca 400kk cash, chiar nimic, mie imi trebuie sa imi ramana bizu, am muncit aproape 2 ani, poate si el a muncit, dar el ar primi de 4 ori mai multi bani decat a dat spre exemplu, deci nu a r fi o problema presupun, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TLG AdyWTF Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 (edited) 3 minutes ago, eB Swau said: Uita-te si tu ce lideri sunt pe RPG1 si RPG2 (FH, functii anterioare, lvl, ore) si ce lideri sunt pe RPG3 si RPG4, liderii de pe 2 si 1 sunt mult mai superiori cand vine vorba de aceste lucruri Hai sa ne calmam putin........uita-te ce FH am eu, la fiecare rank 5 am iesit din factiune si ce level am eu. Si am avut si lider Los Santos Taxi si ala de pe RPG2 n-a avut lider. Edited July 10, 2019 by AT AdyWTF Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr.Richard Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 4 minutes ago, D a n n said: normal ca ti se pare corect deoarece esti de pe 2, daca ai fii de pe 3/4 nu ti s-ar prea corect. Dupa tine, liderul de pe 4 a muncit foarte mult sa obtina acea functie iar i se scoate pentru ca 2 e principalu, crede-ma, daca ai fii de pe 3/4 nu ti s-ar parea deloc corect, ai alege varianta cu 2 lideri. Nu exista un server principal sau unul secundar 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
savvertvm Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 On 7/3/2019 at 1:57 PM, Kelton said: In the past month there have been rumors regarding a possible fusion of the B-Zone servers. We wanted to give our rumors because this is certainly the quickest way the news spreads and each player has time to think about this topic. Having in mind the low player count of RPG3 and RPG4, especially, we are confined to do something about it. The fusion has been the last option we have been avoiding even since last year. We wanted as much as possible to postpone it, but to no avail. It is time do fuse! We want this fusion to be done as best as possible, so we need your help to find the best possible solutions to the problems that occur. This topic is intended for an open discussion to give out the best solutions. Even if I've recorded an episode with Bobo about all the details about the fusion the way we thought about them, we felt it is best to ask you what you want and decide together. We want you to show understanding, compassion, good will; certainly things will not remain the same, we are aware of this. Still, we are a community and this means we can get through it together for better and worse. Below we have written the reasons for the fusion, advantages and a few solutions for the problems that might exist. If you see other problems or solutions please leave a reply as descriptive and as civil as possible. Based on your suggestions we will make polls to vote for the best solutions. WHY ARE WE FUSING? Even since last summer we have received such a suggestion from players and we have been internally discussing it if we should do it or not for the B-Zone community. At that time we have decided to try and grow the number of players by making updates on the servers, trying to offer players interesting things to do, making their work easier and so on. We have made major updates like the automated report system and the new clans system, medium updates like implementing the concept of the Marathon, the poker system, a new type of Quest as well as smaller but helpful updates. These things were insufficient to exponentially grow the number of players on all 4 servers we currently have. So we have reached the following conclusions: - the game itself is not as popular as it used to be in previous years to new players, to players that start to play this game are fewer and fewer. - older players have grown up and are slowly starting to focus more on their personal lives than on games. - there are way too many Romanian sa-mp communities with servers as regards to the active player base; for this reasons players scatter on multiple servers and none of them manage to keep themselves full. - since there are few players on some servers boredom settles in because you can't interact with others, you can't be in a real competition, you can't truly have fun. - also because of the low number of players there are problems with filling faction slots since there are too many factions, leaders need to lower their standards and simplify everything, thus the game becomes boring and lacks competition. - there are problems to completing activity reports because faction members don't have enough players to do their reports, leaders being obligated to constantly lower reports which then results in a very week activity in factions. - we could continue with a long list of reasons for the problems that happen when the player count is low enough. Multiplayer games have always been meant to be played with several people. Sa-Mp itself is based on an ecosystem formed of hundreds of players. If the player count is low then there are a lot of problems and you eventually get bored. Practically on a server with few players you can't truly interact and you almost don't even want to join the server because of this, as opposed to a server full of active players where you know you have something to do. So at this point in time the best thing for the servers, for the community as well as for you players is to take this step and fuse the servers. FUSION ADVANTAGES For the average player the main advantage should be clear enough: if there are more players, you automatically have more things to do in the game. Here is a list with some of the advantages: - more players on the same server overall, so more players you can interact with and have fun. - filling up factions grows competition in them. - growth of the administrative staff, which leads to a faster solving of player problems. - the possibility of more efficiently doing your activity report. - payers will benefit faster from services provided by some factions. - better staff management, it is easier to take care of 2 servers than 4. - growing activity and standards as a whole. The list could go on. Older players that have played when there were 1000 players on a single server know the difference and the mood you have when seeing that you can play with that many people. WHAT SERVERS ARE WE FUSING? At this time we did not take a final decision, but we know that we want to remain with 2 servers instead of 4. We will make a poll about this and find out your opinions. So the options would be: RPG1 with RPG3 RPG2 with RPG4 - basically we would join the oldest of the servers with the higher player count and lower player count. RPG1 with RPG4 RPG2 with RPG3 - here there are two reasons: 1. We would join the server with most online players with the one with the fewest online players and the other servers with medium players between them. So we would be trying to establish somewhat of a balance between them. 2. Many players that joined RPG3 are former players of RPG2 and might still have friends that player there. TECHNICAL DETAILS AND SOLUTIONS There are a lot of technical issues that exist when joining two servers. Below you have a list of the most problematic things we have discovered and possible solutions for them. Keep in mind that the solutions are not yet final and changes might take place or there might be other problems we didn't think about yet (if you know about other problems leave a reply in this topic). If you have fully read the topic up until now you already know that we are trying to find the best solutions. This means that we will discuss or make polls regarding some decisions. 1. THE ADMINS AND HELPERS STAFF In order to become a staff member, especially a higher ranked one, a player needs to work a lot to firstly prove they deserve a chance to be part of the staff (this is somewhat the easy part), and then prove they deserve to stay there (this is the more difficult part). Those of you who never had a function in our staff might think it is no big deal. You spend all day flying and ban players that annoy you, right? In reality things are very different. To become a Helper you first need to have a good history of the account and prove you can rise to the standards of being a staff member. After you finally manage to get accepted you have to work constantly, so you must be active in game, you need to complete an activity report, you need to show decent behavior, you need to work as a team, you need to adapt to the changes that take place. After that, after managing to be active for severals months, doing your job, proving you deserve to get promoted, you finally manage to become an Admin. I am speaking in general terms. Obviously there are certain exceptions where some players are hiperactive, we need new admins and they get promoted sooner. For admins things are more complicated. You basically need to know all of the community rules. You have to constantly make correct and objective decisions. You need to learn to analyze the hundreds of types of proofs there exist for all things that can happen on the server. You need to complete an activity report good enough to stay in the staff. An admin needs to be continuously active for several months before he can reach a higher level. So if you thought everything was easy peasy then you might think again from now on. Everything seems easier from the outside. These being said, we have great respect for the people on our staff that have worked to get to where they are now and we don't want their work to be treated with indifference. For this reason we want all helpers and admins to keep their functions and get transferred with them on the new server. Maybe the staff will seem large on a fused server but in time things tend to balance out. The good part is that players will receive quicker help from the staff since it is bigger 2. LEADERS For leaders unfortunately things get complicated. The current system we are all used to is formed of a single leader per faction. We are trying to find the best solutions so that there are fewer players unhappy 1. We keep two leaders until one of them resigns, then we will get back in a normal fashion when there is only one leader left. This is a solution that might work and it depends very much on how well the two leaders would get along. 2. The oldest leaders in the faction (including as a member) and with the highest activity get to keep the function and the other one remains with rank 5 in the faction. This would be the most logical solution if we decide to keep a single leader per faction. 3. The leaders from the main servers (the ones with more players) keep their function and the others receive rank 5 in the faction. If you have other solutions leave a reply. 3. FACTION MEMBERS We think that the most efficient approach is for everyone to get transferred in the same faction, with the same FH, punishments, etc. We will also be adding an option to be able to leave the faction without FP if for some reason players decide so. For subleaders things again are not final and depends on how we decide to keep leaders. So here are our options: 1. If there are two leaders each of them will choose one subleader of the 4, so a total of 2 subleaders. 2. If there is one leader then the subleaders of that leader will keep their function. 4. HOUSES AND BUSINESSES Unfortunately we have no option and tell you that some players will be left without a house or biz.. The solution we have thought about is to evaluate the prices of houses and businesses from the smaller servers (because the economy is lower there because of the fewer player count) and refund the value of the property. If you have other suggestions leave a reply. No matter how we do it there will be players unhappy. We expect common sense and cooperation from you to find the middle ground and be as we unhappy players as possible. You need to understand that there cannot be two owners for a house or biz and someone needs to get refunded for the lost property. Don't try to abuse and obtain much more than the property is actually worth and keep in mind that properties lose value when the player count is low. 5. CLANS If there is no other clan with the same tag then there is no problem. The clan gets transferred as it is: tag, name, level, etc. If there is a clan with the same tag then we have the following solutions: 1. The oldest and biggest clan will get to keep the tag, the other one will receive a Free Name Change to change the name and tag. This would be the most logical approach. 2. The clan from the main server keeps the tag, the one from the secondary server changes the name/tag for free. 3. The option to cashback the equivalent of the available days left for the clan. Clan turfs will be reset to offer equal chances to everyone. Clans HQ might be added if there are too many clans that can get HQs. 6. ACCOUNTS Accounts will get transferred with all important data: level, money, hours played, rp-s, all points, etc. We will not transfer unimportant data such as website notifications, friends, ignore list, event blacklist, faction blacklist, faction followers. If there is no account registered with the same name, then the player that gets transferred gets to keep the same name. If there is an account registered with the same name, then the player that gets transferred will get to freely choose a new nickname. To free up some names we will delete all level 1-5 accounts inactive for at least half a year. 7. PUNISHMENTS All important punishments will be kept. We will only delete IP bans and kick logs. 8. BANNED ACCOUNTS For a month after we have fused there will be a 75% discount for unban options. Players that intend to start playing again on the server will have to buy unban to prove that they truly want to play and not continue to cause problems. If we freely unban everyone then we will have more problems with cheaters, players that to illegal business and so on. 9. GANG TURFS Because there will be a lot of new gang members in the fused servers we will reset the turfs to offer equal chances to everyone and also give reasons for them to be active. WHEN WILL WE FUSE? We do not have a fixed date because things might change depending on technical problems that might take place. We will see if we manage to do it at the end of this month or the beginning of August. We don't want to rush because we want to make the best job possible. We will let you know one week ahead of making the fusion. This should be all info at this time. We will keep discussing, reading opinions, making polls and finding final solutions. We will try and make a FAQ topic for questions you have that were not written in here already, so that everyone knows what is happening. I believe I have repeated over and over again, but I will say it once more. If you have questions or suggestions leave a reply here. Thank you! Din păcate aici nu avem încotro și va trebui ca anumiți jucători să rămână fără casă sau biz deoarece poate exista un singur proprietar. Soluția la care ne-am gândit este să evaluăm prețurile caselor și bizurilor de pe serverele mai mici (deoarece și acolo economia este mai mică datorită numărului scăzut de jucători) și să rambursăm contravaloarea proprietății proprietarului. Ai putea ca cei de pe rpg 1-2 sa isi pastreze casele iar cei de pe rpg 3-4 sa primeasca suma casei in semn de rasplata Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sergiu Risciuc Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 E o idee buna , am biz pe rpg3 si am dat 1kk pe el, sper sa se poata verifica acest lucru si sa-mi primesc banii inapoi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr.Richard Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 Just now, AT AdyWTF said: Hai sa ne calmam putin........uita-te ce FH am eu, la fiecare rank 5 am iesit din factiune si ce level am eu. Am vazut.. sunt atat de superiori ca au ore doar pe /sleep. Power 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eB Swau Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 Just now, AT AdyWTF said: Hai sa ne calmam putin........uita-te ce FH am eu, la fiecare rank 5 am iesit din factiune si ce level am eu. Tu esti smecher pe 4, n-am ce sa zic dar ceilalti lideri sunt cu nivel si ore mult mai mici decat cei de pe 1 si 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elena Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 (edited) De unde atata rautate pe voi? S-a uitat esenta jocului. Toata lumea comenteaza si pune rpg3 & rpg4 la ''pamant'' cu replica celebra '' noi suntem rpg1 si rpg2 '', si ce? Pe rpg3 si 4 nu s-a stat pe jocul asta? Si noi ne-am petrecut timp incercand sa facem ceva. Nu va inteleg gandirea asta toxica. Incep sa cred ca voua doar va place cearta si atat. Cica '' de ce sa puna 2 lideri ca nu o sa se inteleaga '' pe bune? Daca 2 persoane (DOAR DOUA) nu sunt capabile sa se inteleaga inseamna ca au probleme grave cu maturitatea. Parerea mea personala: Sa se bage 2 lideri si cu timpul cel mai bun sa ramana, nu este ok sa il aleaga pe cel de pe rpg1 sau 2, si pe 3 & 3 s-au pierdut ore. Dupa activitatea/vechimea in factiune nu este ok, ce vina are un lider ca are doar 6 luni in factiune si altul are 2 ani? 34 minutes ago, TiG3R said: 1. Pe parte de staff e totul ok. 2. La lideri, merg pe varianta ca cel de pe serverul mai populat sa ramana cu liderul SAU varianta ca cel mai activ sa primeasca lider. Varianta cu 2 lideri pica din start, cand liderul de pe RPG3/4 vine in factiunea de pe rpg1 cu siguranta nu o sa fie respectat vor exista certuri extrem de mari in factiune. 3. Restul ce tine de case si etc pare ok. Fuziune RPG1 cu RPG4, nu vreau swiftygaming pe RPG1 NoThx Stai calm, poate nici noi nu te vrem pe tine . Edited July 10, 2019 by Elena 13 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CosmiBY Posted July 10, 2019 Share Posted July 10, 2019 2 minutes ago, eB Swau said: Tu esti smecher pe 4, n-am ce sa zic dar ceilalti lideri sunt cu nivel si ore mult mai mici decat cei de pe 1 si 2 Serverele 1 si 2 sunt deschise inainte. ;[[[[ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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