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About Carn

  • Birthday 11/06/1997

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    Mumbai, India

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Veteran (13/14)

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  1. Greetings nerds and virgins

  2. Forum needs to be more active like the old days. It was a bad move moving everything to website i guess. Great business lesson here in my opinion: Just because you can doesn't mean you should

  3. Gonna be 9 years on b-zone soon..... wtf

    1. Armaan


      Bhai apna legend hai?

    2. S4F M a x i m

      S4F M a x i m

      Pune numele CBN Carn:*

    3. Carn


      @Armaan haha nahi bhai

      @CBN D a n i BXD yes bro

  4. I've never been so alone at the current moment in my life. Wish someone would get me out of this shit.

    1. Ocaust


      mai dai tepe?

    2. NiM


      @Ocaust asta ii tepar de mic copil

  5. So no one uses forum now? Website upgrades killed the forums sighh

    1. dabro.pdf



      Still, think about the white forum theme, which is even worse than that

      You can’t see a thing because of white-font-topics

      How’re you doing, Cârnat?

    2. Carn


      I didn't understand a word of the first three lines. But i'm doing good bro through these tough times. Hope you are doing well as well.

    3. NiM


      haha lai injurat de 3 ori intrun singur cuvant @dabro.pdf

  6. What's up B-Zone?

  7. Why is the website not working

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Carn


      @Ocaust how are you bitch

    3. Ocaust


      i am beating my carnat on your mouth, you?

    4. Carn


      Turn on the lights bro thats not me sksksk

  8. Best clan that ever existed. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark Night

      Dark Night

      All the good players from RW left RPG2 when RPG4 opened, but heyho :)

    3. SolDaT.


      Ohh, 2014, Crazy By Nature(CBN), Rogue Warriors, these clans Were just dreams, i knoW some players since then, Carn(you :)) ), BestiaL, Torrino, JustRed, Anonymous, MrOviidiu

    4. Carn


      @D4rk i know right

      @AT DarkNight Not all, just a few.

    1. S e b i

      S e b i


    2. Dark Night

      Dark Night

      Aflam lucruri noi :))

  9. Any UFC fans here?

  10. What the heck bro! ?@cowS



  11. This has to be the gay-est thing i've seen this decade.



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