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We are back with news about the fusion. In all this time we have made some simulations to see how everything will go with joining the data bases of two servers so that everything goes as smooth as possible.


1. Fusion Date


The fusion will take place on 19 August 2019, somewhere between 08:00 and 13:00. 


2. Fusing Servers


Some time ago we have opened some polls to find out your opinion, the players, to see which are the servers that we need to merge. Votes were approximately equal RPG1, RPG2 and RPG4, and on RPG3 about 67% of the players voted they want to fuse with RPG1.


So the servers being fused, on your own votes, will be RPG1 with RPG3 and RPG2 with RPG4.


3. Account Names


We will transfer the data bases directly, meaning that we will transfer absolutely all accounts, including the banned ones. So you don't need to make the transfer manually.

When fusing we will rename accounts from RPG3 and RPG4, adding a key word in front or behind the name. For example the account Kelton from RPG4 will receive on the new RPG2 the name Kelton_Fusion (attention, this is an example... it won't be this exact name).

So on the new fused server, the new RPG2, I would connect with Kelton_Fusion. I will receive a free nickname change so I can change my name in anything else once I connect to the account.

As previously announced, those who have two accounts with the same name on both fused servers and want to keep the name on the account coming from the smaller server, can after the fusion open a ticket so that we can help them with this.


4. Leaders


We have tried to take into account every suggestion received and have come to a conclusion.

We will give leaders the freedom to choose if they want to stick to two leaders or just one. So each faction can choose any of the two options. Not all factions need to choose the same option.


Option 1 - 2 leaders:

If leaders decide to work together then both will remain with the leader function. They will share tasks between them, they will choose how to reply to applications, complaints and so on.

If there are multiple conflicts and the two leaders don't manage to get along, the staff reserves the right to remove one of them.


As long as the leaders manage to get along and work together it will be an advantage for them because the work is divided into two, so it should be easier and more convenient to them.


Option 2 - 1 leader:

If for various reasons the two leaders don't want to work together then the staff will choose one. That one leader will get chosen depending on how long he had leader, his activity, how satisfied the staff is with him, how satisfied are the members, how many punishments he has and so on.

The player remaining without subleader will automatically get rank 5 in the faction.


5. Subleaders


Depending on the options chosen above the subleaders will also be selected.


Option 1 - with 2 leaders:

The leaders will choose together 2 subleaders. The other 2 subleaders that are not chosen will be demoted as per the leader rules depending on their total faction time.


Option 2 - with 1 leader:

The leader remaining with the function will have the right to keep his current 2 subleaders. The other 2 subleaders will be demoted as per the leader rules depending on their total faction time.


6. What happens to houses/businesses?


Players coming from the servers with less players will be refunded an equivalent amount for the house and/or biz owned.

So that there are no abuses with bumping up the prices, we will take as a reference date for establishing the prices until 25 Iunie 2019 because that was the first time the staff started the rumor of the fusion. Prices newer from that date can be incorrect or bumped up or even lowered because players found out about the fusion.


So to refund you we will search for the REAL price the house/bis has been traded for before that date. This means that we will ignore all trades where you sold property between your own accounts for 1$ or you gave them to friends. We will take as reference the last real trade of that property. If there was no transaction done in the last months with that property, we will estimate the value of the property at the date of 25 June 2019.


In order to get refunded you need AFTER THE FUSION to open a ticket on https://forum.b-zone.ro/support/ to discuss together the price of the property and get to an understanding so that there is as little disappointment as possible.


Players that do not open a ticket for the refund in 2 months maximum from the fusion date will lose the right to get refunded!


Very important to keep in mind: Because of the very large number of goods (over 1400 houses and businesses together) you will surely not receive an instant reply to your ticket. It could take days, even weeks, until we manage to reply to everyone. For this reason we ask you to be understanding and not spam the ticket with messages like „is nobody answering?!”. Everybody will get an answer, just that some of you will get it sooner rather than later depending on the ticket order.


7. What happens with the clans?


We will manually check at the time of the fusion which are the clans with the same name/tag. Depending on how old the clan is and the size, the clan that is oldest and has the biggest size will keep the name/tag and the other one will be renamed. You will most likely receive a fusion name/tag (similar to the accounts names), afterwards we will discuss with the clan owners in a ticket on https://forum.b-zone.ro/support/ to change the name and tag for free.



This is the info for the moment. If you have questions about things we forgot to mention and didn't mention them in the previous announcement https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/424380-fuziune-servere/ or FAQ https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/424648-fuziune-faq/ please ask them in this topic so we can update it or the FAQ.





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la partea cu numele mi se pare destul de neclar si nu inteleg

eu am un cont pe rpg1 PhineanS[] si pe rpg3 la fel

vreau sa imi pastrez numele de PhineanS[] pe contul cu care vin dupa rpg3

cum procedez? voi primi numele PhineanS[]_Fuziune sau ceva asemanator, ma conectez pe acel nume si dupa fac ticket, astfel un admin imi va schimba numele contului PhineanS[] de pe rpg1 (vechi) in ce doresc eu?

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RPG1 cu RPG3
RPG2 cu RPG4

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be ❤️

Apropo, pregatiți-vă de certurile dintre staff-uri și dintre jucători. A da, am pregătit niște popcorn pentru certurile de 50 de pagini de forum care vor urma să fie.

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Sper ca luati in considerare si faptul ca la DealerShip exista, in momentul de fata, stock-uri de autovehicule cat pentru un singur server, nu? Update-ul in sine cu stock-ul mi se pare o prostie iar dupa fuziune se va vedea ca o sa fie si mai problematic. Au ajuns deja proprietatile la costuri exagerate si fara sens, inchipuiti-va ce se va intampla dupa.

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