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  1. Incepand de luni 18.01.2021 va intra in vigoare regulile. Au fost adaugate urmatoarele reguli in regulament. Avansarea in rank se realizeaza in functie de activitatea, contributia voastra adusa in factiune. Fiecare invoire facuta la sedinte sau activitati adauga o zi la timpul minim de asteptare pentru avansarea in rank. Exemplu: AKY.BARBOSUL a organizat o sedinta in cadrul factiunii, iar Fox (rank1) si-a bagat cerere de invoire. In acest caz, la timpul minim de asteptare pentru avansarea in rank (14 zile), se va mai adauga o zi. El va primi rank2 la cel putin 15 zile de la invite. Membri de rank 4-5 care nu aduc suficiente contributii in factiune, fac mereu minimul de puncte la raport, se conecteaza doar pentru log-in etc, vor fi sanctionati pe aceste considerente. Starting with Monday, 18.01.2021 the rules will enter into force. The following rules have been added to the regulation. The rank progress is made according to the activity, your contribution brought in faction. Each time off request made to meetings or activities adds a day to the minimum waiting time for advancement in rank. Example: AKY.BARBOSUL organized a meeting within the faction, and Fox (rank1) submitted a request for approval. In this case, at the minimum waiting time for advancement in the rank (14 days), another day will be added. He will receive rank2 at least 15 days from the invite. Members of rank 4-5 who do not make enough contributions in faction, example: minimum points per week, connects only for log they will be punished.
    3 points
  2. Incepand de luni 18.01.2021 va intra in vigoare regulile. Au fost adaugate urmatoarele reguli in regulament. Avansarea in rank se realizeaza in functie de activitatea, contributia voastra adusa in factiune. Fiecare invoire facuta la sedinte sau activitati adauga o zi la timpul minim de asteptare pentru avansarea in rank. Exemplu: AKY.BARBOSUL a organizat o sedinta in cadrul factiunii, iar Fox (rank1) si-a bagat cerere de invoire. In acest caz, la timpul minim de asteptare pentru avansarea in rank (14 zile), se va mai adauga o zi. El va primi rank2 la cel putin 15 zile de la invite. Membri de rank 4-5 care nu aduc suficiente contributii in factiune, fac mereu minimul de puncte la raport, se conecteaza doar pentru log-in etc, vor fi sanctionati pe aceste considerente. Starting with Monday, 18.01.2021 the rules will enter into force. The following rules have been added to the regulation. The rank progress is made according to the activity, your contribution brought in faction. Each time off request made to meetings or activities adds a day to the minimum waiting time for advancement in rank. Example: AKY.BARBOSUL organized a meeting within the faction, and Fox (rank1) submitted a request for approval. In this case, at the minimum waiting time for advancement in the rank (14 days), another day will be added. He will receive rank2 at least 15 days from the invite. Members of rank 4-5 who do not make enough contributions in faction, example: minimum points per week, connects only for log they will be punished.
    3 points
  3. Version 7.4


    - PDHelper V7.4 - Cel mai bun, mai eficient si mai simplu de folosit mod pentru PD Esti la inceput si iti este frica sa nu gresesti ceva? Esti vechi in PD si te-ai plictisit de raport? In orice situatie, modul acesta este ceea ce cauti! Dezvoltat de 4 ani pana in prezent, aceasta este cea mai buna versiune de PDHelper din toate timpurile, care te va ajuta mai mult ca niciodata la raport! Nu trebuie sa ma crezi pe mine, incearca! Nu esti sigur ca modul este exact ceea ce cauti.. ei bine, hai sa te conving, ai mai jos cateva imagini si explicatii: Sau daca nu ai timp de citit, ai aici un video unde poti vedea tot ce este nou: *click In prima poza este meniul principal de unde poti configura modul, care este mai simplu de folosit si mai detaliat decat te-ai astepta! Iar in a 2-a sunt comenzile modului, doar acestea. Mai avansate, mai simplu de folosit si mai folositoare ca niciodata! La echipa ROADS: - Aveti un sistem magic, la care va puteti seta orice tasta doriti, iar odata apasata, modul va da start/stopradar in functie de situatie + find pe jucatorul trecut prin radar. - De cate ori ai uitat sa dai /id inainte si i-ai luat permisul unui jucator cu nivel sub 8? Ei bine, modul va detecta nivelul jucatorului si va sanctiona in functie de acesta! - Greu de scris toate explicatiile pentru civili pe chat, nu..? Nicio problema, modul va face asta pentru voi, mai bine decat v-ati astepta! ... si multe altele pe care va las pe voi sa le descoperiti La FBI, NG si Echipa SWAT: - auto-arrest la orice zona de arrest si cuff doar cu o apasare de tasta. - wanted & nearwanted pe tasta, fara a mai scrie nimic pe chat, fara timp pierdut! - comenzi pentru a sanctiona jucatorii, sistem de auto-frisk si multe altele care te vor face invincibil in fata civililor! ... si multe altele pe care va las pe voi sa le descoperiti Alte sisteme: - Sistemul de GOV: Puteti seta un text scriind /pdc, iar dupa aceea folosind comanda /PDgov, modul va da cele 2 randuri setate de voi pe /gov, cat de simplu, nu? - Sistemul de FVR: Puteti seta si edita toate textele legate de FVR scriind /pdc, iar cu o singura comanda modul va face tot ce este nevoie, tu doar continui ce aveai de facut. - Sistemul de Somare & Tazer & altele: Cand apesi pe tasta setata de tine modul va executa actiunea dorita. ... si multe altele pe care va las pe voi sa le descoperiti Dar hei, esti ADMIN? ai nevoie de btrack? Iti e teama ca nu va functiona modul versiunea veche de sampfuncs? Nicio problema, V7 functioneaza fara probleme, testat pe sampfuncs 5.3.1, astfel va puteti bucura si de suport din partea modului si va puteti face si treaba la admin fara nicio problema! [Ro] Instructiuni de instalare: - Se instaleaza cleo - Se pune sampfuncs in folderul principal al jocului (acolo unde este si gta_sa.exe) - Selectati versiunea in romana (Ro) - Puneti fisierele "PDHelperV7.4.cs" si "PDHelperV7.ini" in cleo - (optional) se puncte sampgui.png in folderul principal pentru un aspect mai frumos la /pdc [En] Install instructions: - Install cleo - Put sampfuncs in principal game folder (where is gta_sa.exe) - Chose english version (En) - Put "PDHelperV7.4.cs" and "PDHelperV7.ini" in cleo - (optional) put sampgui.png in principal game folder for a better look of /pdc Iti este de folos modul? Cat de mult te-a ajutat pana acum? Impartaseste experienta ta si cu altii scriind un review mai jos! Vrei sa ma ajuti si mai mult? Nu vreau sa cer prea mult.. un +1 la post este de ajuns, mersi!
    2 points
  4. @CAIN ToV Mulțumesc. Jucătorul raportat a fost adăugat pe listă, în temeiul comportamentului inadecvat.
    2 points
  5. i love ittt, mai astept inca una sau doua si ma decid ❤️ daca poti sa faci si textul cu alb sa se vada mai bine @A n d r
    2 points
  6. @ImpacT ZEW - Activity accepted. Friday, 15.01.2021 at 21:00(Server time), without partner. After the activity I`am waiting a PM with the online members + the statistics here: Click.
    2 points
  7. INFO Program pentru factiuni: 18.01.2021 ora 17:00 - Event #1 - Demolition 19.01.2021 ora 17:00 - Event #2 - Duel cu Hydra 20.01.2021 ora 17:00 - Event #3 - CSGO 21.01.2021 ora 17:00 - Event #4 -Treasure Hunt 22.01.2021 ora 17:00 - Event #5 - Off-road racing pe Chiliad 23.01.2021 ora 17:00 - Event #6 - Tube Race 24.01.2021 ora 17:00 - Event #7 -Boat War Mult succes!
    2 points
  8. Nume: ImpacT. Rank: 3 Data si ora propusa: friday15.01.2021 Ora 21:00 Nume activitate: Duels 1 v 1 with deagle Descriere activitate (daca e cazul): Duels (1vs1) (Deagle) Prize: 60.000$ Partener (optional): - Alte precizari: -
    2 points
  9. Version 2.0.0


    Vegetație HD Acest mod vă schimbă asptectul vegetației. Instrucțiuni de instalare: Click aici să-l descărcați. 1. Se deschide „Spark.exe” și se apasă pe butonul File, urmat de Open. 2. Navigăm în: C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\models și alegem „gta3.img”. 3. Trageți fișierele atașate din gta3.img în Spark, urmând să dați pe butonul File, urmat de Save. 4. Iar fișierele "data" și "models" le trageți în fișierul principal San Andreas. Țin să menționez că s-ar putea să vă mai scadă câteva FPS-uri. Link virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/85b6e9e004bd0bc8b2cbf8d5f59bebc5963cdb127634e8aca8dcefb469c2083f/detection Câteva imagini cu modul:
    1 point
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Texture Render Cu ajutorul acestui mod puteți să vă încărcați o imagine anume direct în joc, redimesionând-o după bunul plac, atât în înalțime, cât și în lungime. Instrucțiuni de instalare: 1. Se descarcă SAMPFUNCS în cazul în care nu-l aveți deja instalat. 2. Se instalează CLEO în cazul în care nu-l aveți deja instalat. 3. Se adaugă fișierul „Render Texture.cs” în folderul CLEO din GTA San Andreas. Instrucțiuni de folosire: 1. Se deschide consola (~) și se ține apăsat pe Click 1 pentru a muta imaginea într-o poziție anume. 2. Se deschide consola și se apasă: Left Arrow & Right Arrow pentru a mări imaginea în lungime, iar Down Arrow & Up Arrow pentru a modifica înălțimea imaginii. 3. După ce v-ați așezat imaginea, trebuie să scrieți „/Save_Settings” pentru a salva modificările. 4. În cazul în care vreți să modificați imaginea direct din joc, fără a vă reconecta, trebuie să scrieți „/Reload_Texture” (doar în cazul în care nu se reîncarcă singură). Informații suplimentare: 1. Extensia imaginii trebuie obligatoriu să fie „.png”. 2. Nu cred că există o limită legată de mărimea imaginii (dimensiunea ca și fisier). 3. Numele imaginii trebuie să fie „Image”. 4. Imaginea trebuie adăugată în folderul CLEO. Exemplu: „Image.png”. Vă recomand să folosiți acest mod împreună cu un „hud.txd” modificat. Imaginea redimensionată: Cum trebuie să arate imaginea din folderul CLEO:
    1 point
  11. Version 1.0.0


    NameCFlow Acest mod vă permite să vă puneți un text personalizat deasupra minimap-ului. Instrucțiuni de instalare: Se adaugă fișierele „NameCFlow.cs” & „NameCFlow.ini” în folderul CLEO din GTA San Andreas. Cerințe: 1. SAMPFUNCS 2. CLEO Instrucțiuni de folosire: Pentru a vă seta textul dorit, intrați in folderul „NameCFlow.ini” si puneți-vă textul dupa "Name=" exemplu: O poză cu modul:
    1 point
  12. Heavy Rain este un joc video de acțiune-aventură pentru PlayStation 3 si PlayStation 4, creat de Quantic Dream și publicat de Sony Computer Entertainment exclusiv pentru consola de jocuri PlayStation 3 în 2010, iar in 2016 va fi lansat si pe PlayStation 4 potrivit developerilor. Jocul este un film noir de thriller interactiv, cu mai multe personaje care sunt în căutarea Ucigașului Origami, un criminal în serie, care își îneacă victimele în timpul ploii. Jucătorul interacționează cu jocul prin intermediul controllerului DualShock 3 sau a lui PlayStation Move, fiind nevoit să se sincronizeze cu direcțiile arătate pe ecran, prin mișcarea joystick-ului în timp util, sau prin apăsarea butoanelor la timpul potrivit în cadrul quick time event-urilor. Deciziile jucătorului și acțiunile din timpul jocului pot schimba povestea. Personajele principale pot muri, iar unele alegeri duc la scene și finaluri diferite. Heavy Rain a fost bine primit de critici, fiind considerat de mai multe site-uri și publicații Jocul Anului A fost un succes comercial, vânzându-se în peste trei milioane de exemplare. Personajele: Heavy Rain are patru personaje care pot fi controlate de jucător, jocul alegând cu ce personaj se va juca următoarea secvență. Ele au fost modelate după mai mulți actori cu ajutorul tehnicii motion capture; cei trei bărbați sunt modelați după actorii vocali, iar femeia este modelată după un model profesionist. Personajele principale ale jocului sunt, în ordinea apariției: Ethan Mars: Ethan este un arhitect însurat și are doi copii. Cu doi ani înaintea acțiunii jocului, fiul cel mare, Jason, moare într-un accident de mașină. Suferă de agorafobie și locuiește singur, înstrăinându-se de soția sa, Grace Mars, și purtându-se distant cu celălalt fiu al său, Shaun. Ethan află că Shaun este următoarea victimă a Ucigașului Origami, care îl obligă să treacă prin cinci probe (durere, suferință, suferință brutală, crimă și sacrificiu). Este interpetat, atât vocal cât și fizic de Pascal Langdale. Scott Shelby: Shelby este un fost ofițer de poliție și marină care suferă de astm. Lucrează în prezent ca detectiv particular, investigând cazul Origami Killer. Partenera sa din ultima parte a jocului este Lauren Winter, mama penultimei victime a ucigașului, Johnny Winter. Este interpretat și modelat după Sam Douglas. Norman Jayden: Jayden este un criminalist de la FBI trimis de la Washington pentru a ajuta forțele de poliție în investigarea cazului. Jayden este echipat cu ochelari experimentali bazați pe realitate augmentată și o mănuță numită ARI, sau „Added Reality Interface”. Aceasta îi permite să investigheze mai repede locațiile unde au avut loc crimele prin analizarea dovezilor. Este dependent de triptocaină, care îl ajută să contracareze efectele adverse provenite din folosirea mănușii ARI. Partenerul său este Carter Blake, pe care îl displace din cauza opiniilor contradictorii avute în legătură cu cine ar putea fi Ucigașul Origami. Este interpretat și modelat după Leon Ockenden. Madison Paige: Madison este o tânără fotojurnalistă care trăiește singură în oraș. Suferă de insomnie cronică și de coșmaruri, cazându-se deseori la hoteluri pentru că doar acolo poate avea un somn liniștit. Se împrietenește cu Ethan, pansându-i rănile și ajutându-l în cadrul probelor impuse de ucigaș. Două dintre finaluri îi arată împreună. A fost modelată după Jacqui Ainsley, care a participat la captarea mișcărilor corpului, motion capture-ul facial și vocea sunt ale actriței Judi Beecher. GamesRadar a apreciat rolul negativ jucat de Ucigașul Origami, clasându-l pe locul al 42-lea în Top 100 cei mai buni răufăcători din istoria jocurilor video. În același an, Madison a fost clasată pe locul 41 în top 50 cele mai mari eroine din istoria jocurilor video de revista Complex. Povestea: Jocul începe cu Ethan Mars, petrecându-și timpul alături de familie și sărbătorind a zecea aniversare a fiului său, Jason. Acesta se pierde într-un mall, iar Ethan strigă după el încercând să-l găsească. Fiul își vede tatăl și trece strada fără să se asigure. Ethan încearcă să îl salveze din fața mașinii dar nu reușește, intrând în comă timp de șase luni. După ce și-a revenit din comă, Ethan începe să aibă depresii, este amnezic și se simte vinovat de moartea fiului, pentru că l-a pierdut din vedere. Trăiește singur, până când fiul cel mare este trimis să locuiască cu el. Merge în parc cu Shaun, dar din cauza tulburărilor de memorie își pierde și al doilea fiu. Dispariția lui Shaun s-a dovedit a fi opera criminalului în serie, „Ucigașul Origami”. Acesta răpește băieți în timpul toamnelor ploioase, ale căror corpuri sunt găsite mai târziu într-o zonă izolată, omorându-i prin înecare. Acesta lasă în mâinile lor un origami sub formă de animal, iar pe piept le pune o orhidee. Criminalistul trimis de FBI, Norman Jayden, trimis pentru a ajuta poliția în investigarea cazului, ajunge la concluzia că băiatul este închis într-o încăpere în care acesta va muri înecat dacă nu vor reuși să-l găsească în trei zile. Ethan se retrage la un motel pentru a evita să ofere informații presei. Primește o scrisoare care îl trimite către un dulap cu cifru, unde găsește un telefon mobil, o armă de foc și cinci figurine origami, toate într-o cutie de pantofi. Instrucțiunile video lăsate pe telefon îl instruiesc în vederea parcurgerii unui set de probe scrise pe fiecare figurină origami. Completarea acestora vor duce la primirea unor bilete cu adresa străzii pentru următoarea probă. Probele impuse sunt: să conducă în viteză pe contrasens pentru 8 kilometri, să se supună la torturi fizice și la electrocutare, tăierea unui deget, uciderea unui om și ingerarea de otrăvuri. Se întâlnește în motel cu Madison Paige, care îl ajută să se recupereze fizic și emoțional după aceste probe. Ea începe propria investigație ca fotojurnalistă, în încercarea de a găsi persoana care îl supunea pe Ethan la aceste torturi. Jayden, lucrând cu locotenentul Carter Blake, investighează doi suspecți, dar nici unul dintre ei este cel pe care îl caută. Fosta soție a lui Ethan merge la poliție și îi informează pe aceștia despre perioadele de blackout ale lui Ethan, care îi conduce la psihiatrul lui Ethan. Blake este sigur că Ethan este Ucigașul Origami, dar Jayden vrea să demonstreze contrariul urmărind traseul dovezilor. Între timp, detectivul particular Scott Shelby vizitează mai mulți părinți ale victimelor pentru a strânge informații, obținând totodată mai multe obiecte legate de Ucigașul Origami. Unul din părinți, Lauren Winter, insistă să-l ajute. Sunt duși în eroare de tânărul, care pretinde în glumă că el este ucigașul. Tatăl lui încearcă să-l mituiască pe Scott, dar nu reușește. Ethan este prins de Carter, care îl încarcerează, dar Jayden îi dă drumul pe ascuns. Pentru mai multe detalii faceti click aici.
    1 point
  13. Uncharted este o serie de jocuri de acțiune-aventură americană creată de Amy Hennig, dezvoltată de Naughty Dog și publicată de Sony Interactive Entertainment pentru consolele PlayStation. Seria principală de jocuri îl urmează pe Nathan Drake, un vânător de comori care călătorește în întreaga lume pentru a descoperi diferite mistere istorice. Seria principală a început cu Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, lansat pe PlayStation 3 în 2007, urmat de continuările sale Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (2009), Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (2011), cu ultima versiune, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, lansat pe PlayStation 4 în 2016. Un prequel, Uncharted: Golden Abyss, a fost lansat pentru sistemul portabil Sony PlayStation Vita în 2011, urmat de spin-off-ul jocului de cărți Uncharted: Fight for Fortune în 2012. Un joc independent pentru serialul, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, a fost lansat în 2017, alături de Chloe Frazer ca protagonist jucabil al jocului. Seria a fost apreciată de toată lumea și a avut succes comercial, după ce a livrat peste 41 de milioane de unități, făcându-l una dintre cele mai bine vândute francize de jocuri video din toate timpurile. Seria principală a fost larg creditată de critici și publicații de jocuri video pentru ridicarea standardelor jocurilor video pentru un singur jucător, lăudându-l pentru valorile ridicate ale producției, calitatea în povestiri, designul și animația personajelor, actorie vocală, grafică realistă, inovație tehnică, muzical scor, mecanica jocului și oferirea unei experiențe de joc cinematografice plăcute jucătorilor. Seria a fost adesea asemănată cu filmele de aventură de acțiune produse de Hollywood. Potrivit fostului dezvoltator al lui Naughty Dog, Lucas Pope, franciza s-a inspirat din seria Gears of War, primul joc Uncharted fiind întârziat după primul joc Gears of War lansat pentru ca diversele elemente de joc și elemente tehnice să se asemene și să se simtă mai mult ca cea a acestuia din urmă. Succesul critic și comercial al jocurilor Uncharted a fost esențial pentru succesul PlayStation în timpul celei de-a șaptea și a opta generație de console de jocuri video și a contribuit la ridicarea reputației lui Naughty Dog la un dezvoltator de jocuri video foarte respectat din industrie. Gameplay: Gameplay-ul din seria Uncharted este o combinație de elemente de acțiune-aventură și platforme 3D cu o perspectivă a terței persoane. Jucătorului i se atribuie diverse sarcini fizice care trebuie îndeplinite pentru a progresa prin poveste, cum ar fi sărituri, înot, apucare și mișcare de-a lungul cornișelor, urcare și leagăn de la corzi. Alte aspecte, inclusiv tragerea, lupta și rezolvarea puzzle-urilor, apar, de asemenea, în mod regulat. În titlurile ulterioare, au fost adăugate sau dezvoltate conducerea, călăria cu barca și alte acțiuni acrobatice. Jocurile Uncharted oferă o libertate rezonabilă prin proiectarea hărților. Jocurile ulterioare conțin elemente ale designului lumii deschise, pentru a încuraja roamingul liber pentru a asigura colecții sau stealth pentru a evita dușmanii. În A Thief's End, jocul de rol a fost extins pentru a include discuții secundare cu alte personaje. Seria Uncharted urmează structura jocurilor de acțiune tradiționale, în care jucătorii completează o serie de nivele cu o singură pistă, cu un joc liniar, și este navigat printr-o perspectivă a persoanei a treia. Fotografierea este esențială pentru funcția jocului, deoarece jucătorii trebuie, de asemenea, să ocolească un șir de inamici. Deși o mare varietate de arme sunt prezente în joc, jucătorul poate purta doar o armă laterală, cum ar fi un pistol, o armă primară, cum ar fi o pușcă, și o mână de grenade. Aceste arme sunt obținute prin ridicarea armelor aruncate de un dușman doborât sau din cele împrăștiate în jurul diferitelor hărți. Dacă jucătorul moare, acesta va reapărea la un punct de control de nivel specific. În A Thief's End, a fost dezvoltată utilizarea vehiculelor într-un mediu explorabil. Oferă jucătorului libertate neprevăzută de a lua vehicule oriunde doresc, deși trebuie să fie condus într-o anumită locație pentru a avansa povestea. În Among Thieves, a fost introdus multiplayer. Dispune de un joc atât competitiv, cât și cooperativ. Modul multiplayer cooperativ permite până la trei jucători să preia rolurile lui Drake și al altor doi însoțitori de „erou” și prezintă misiuni care implică lupte cu armele, platforme și obiective bazate pe lucrul în echipă. Jucătorii își pot asista tovarășii dacă sunt răniți în mod critic sau dacă sunt apucați de un inamic. Multiplayerul competitiv permite unui număr maxim de zece jucători să joace unul împotriva celuilalt în două echipe de câte cinci. Sunt prezentate șase moduri competitive, inclusiv meciuri de moarte simple sau bazate pe echipă și obiective bazate pe echipă. A fost introdus modul de supraviețuire a lui Thief's End, care prezintă o progresie bazată pe valuri pe roiurile de inamici din ce în ce mai puternici, precum și îndeplinirea altor obiective. În plus, multiplayerul permite jucătorilor să acumuleze puncte și să se claseze, care pot fi folosite pentru a achiziționa mai multe skinuri atât pentru eroi, cât și pentru răufăcători. Tilturi: Year Title Developer Home release 2007 Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Naughty Dog PlayStation 3 2009 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Naughty Dog PlayStation 3 2011 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Naughty Dog PlayStation 3 Uncharted : Golden Abyss Bend Studio PlayStation Vita 2012 Uncharted: Fight for Fortune Bend Studio PlayStation Vita 2015 Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection1 Bluepoint Games PlayStation 4 2016 Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Naughty Dog PlayStation 4 Uncharted: Fortune Hunter Playspree Android, iOS 2017 Uncharted: The Lost Legacy2 Naughty Dog PlayStation 4 Pentru mai multe informatii faceti click aici. https://www.unchartedthegame.com/en-us/
    1 point
  14. There is much to admire in Naughty Dog’s ultra-dark revenge video game The Last Of Us Part II. And there is much to critique. The devs who poured their blood, sweat and tears into the game deserve praise for its technical achievements. The writers who mangled the story deserve the lumps that follow. Despite its gore and violence, The Last Of Us Part II is a beautiful game, with renditions of post-apocalyptic Seattle and Santa Barbara that are simply staggering in detail and scope. The sights and sounds of this game are lush and lovely, gruesome and harrowing. In terms of presentation, The Last Of Us Part II is easily one of the best of the generation. Meanwhile, the acting is—without exception—phenomenal throughout. Ashley Johnson as Ellie turns in another fantastic performance, with a great deal more of the spotlight this time around. Troy Baker’s Joel has a much smaller role, but he’s as good as ever. And man, both these two are just insanely talented. Watch this live performance of Wayfaring Stranger they put on: Laura Bailey, who plays the third main character in the game, Abby, is also excellent. Sure, her character is fairly loathsome, but Bailey is great. Alas, while the game is gorgeous to look at and listen to, and the acting is as good as any I’ve ever encountered in a video game, it falls apart when it comes to both gameplay and story. The first game didn’t have much going for it in the gameplay department, either—neither game is particularly strong as an action/shooter, and each forces players to spend far too much time tediously picking up odds and ends in order to craft bombs and med-kits, and ammo for your routinely empty firearms. (There’s a setting that makes this somewhat less tedious in the sequel). When it comes to gameplay, both games are fine. Just fine. Not great, not terrible. Just fine. But the first game’s lackluster gameplay was more than made up for by a compelling story filled with complex characters in a gritty, intriguing post-apocalyptic world. It didn’t hurt that it also had one of the best endings in video games, period. It was an ending that deserved to be just that—the end of Joel and Ellie’s story, unresolved and bittersweet. Brittle and precarious and powerful all at once. A happy ending in many ways, but an unsettling one, too. Joel’s was a lie told out of love, but it was still a lie. He kept that secret for the same reason he rescued Ellie from the Fireflies. Because he couldn’t stand to lose his daughter. Not again. That same lie kicks off the events in The Last Of Us Part II, but it quickly runs roughshod over everything we loved about the first game, trampling even our high opinions of the protagonists in the process. What follows is a too-pretentious-by-half story of nonsensical revenge and relentless violence. It masquerades at depth and meaning but fails to deliver either. Better to leave us hanging than take us down this wallowing, nihilistic path of despair and misery porn. Unless you get off on that sort of thing, of course. An Unnecessary Sequel The Last Of Us Part II SCREENSHOT: ERIK KAIN Unfortunately, The Last Of Us Part II only follows in the original’s footsteps in the most generic ways. Chronologically, it comes after the first game and it takes place in the same post-apocalyptic America. In every other sense, it may as well be a completely new franchise. At least then it wouldn’t have so badly damaged the characters we came to know and care so much about in the original. In the original, Ellie is a teenage girl who is the only person immune to the strange virus that’s caused this spore-based zombie apocalypse. Unlike every single other human, bites and spores don’t turn her into a monster. We don’t know why. Joel, who lost his own daughter tragically at the outset of the apocalypse, is tasked with bringing Ellie to the Firefly scientists where they hope to use her to find a cure. The Fireflies are freedom fighters. They’re here to help. Or so we’re led to believe. Along the way, throughout the course of the game, Ellie and Joel become like family. It’s not an easy road, but they manage it together and in many ways Ellie becomes the daughter Joel lost, dragging him out of his long malaise and giving him something to believe in and to fight for. She’s spunky and funny and tough, and she awakens a new sense of purpose in the burned out, grizzled survivor. In the end, when Joel and Ellie finally find the Fireflies, it turns out that the group isn’t all they were cracked out to be. The doctors are unethical murderers who decide that it’s just fine to sacrifice the one living person who is actually immune to the disease in order to create a vaccine (a completely absurd, anti-scientific, anti-medicine decision that exposes the Fireflies for the atrocious bastards they really are). Joel decides that sacrificing a young girl to save humanity is absolute crap and rescues her instead, killing some of the guards and doctors in the process. He does what every father would do in this situation—and what every ethical human being ought to do. There is only one correct answer to the question “How many lives would you sacrifice to save humanity?” Your own. Only your own. It’s one thing to take life in order to save someone; it’s another to sacrifice an innocent in the hopes that you’ll save someone. So Joel takes lives in order to save an innocent. It’s unfortunate that he is forced to kill, but he couldn’t stand by and let it happen, either. He had no other ethical choice. Even if—and it’s a very, very big if—her death would have resulted in a vaccine, allowing it to happen would be cruel and immoral. And a doctor, above anybody else, should realize this. Certainly in our own fraught times we should understand just how tricky coming up with a vaccine is—and killing the one specimen that may hold the answer is not only cruel and immoral, it’s magnificently stupid. Joel lies to Ellie about it after the fact, telling her that it didn’t work, she wasn’t the answer. And off they go, riding into the sunset. It’s the perfect ending. In my headcanon, I’m just going to pretend it’s the only ending. The Last Of Us Part II SCREENSHOT: ERIK KAIN When Naughty Dog announced a sequel, creative director Neil Druckmann revealed that it would be a game about hate. The first was a game about love, the second hate. Like the tattooed fingers of Robert Mitchum in The Night of the Hunter. One might wonder at this point, why you’d really even have to separate the two. Light is the left hand of darkness; love is the left hand of hatred. The first game had its fair share of hatred, after all. Unfortunately, the sequel really doesn’t bother much with love. When it does, it’s at its very best, but those moments are few and far between. The first big problem with The Last Of Us Part II’s story is that there is very little about it that justifies its existence. It picks up a few years later, though there are flashbacks of the intervening years scattered about the game. We learn quickly where Ellie and Joel currently stand in their relationship. While the story itself is told in bits and pieces, jumping to different timelines, the basic premise is this: Ellie has discovered that Joel lied to her and she’s mad about it. She’s mad that Joel didn’t let the Fireflies kill her in order to create a vaccine. She’s still mad at him when Abby, the daughter of the chief Firefly doctor, tracks down Joel and brutally murders him, exacting a ridiculously brutal revenge for her father’s murder. And right here, right in this one short paragraph, there is so much wrong that my head hurts even typing it out. First of all, the game seems to want us to think that Ellie is right and justified in her anger and that Joel is in the wrong. Not just about lying but about him saving her in the first place. The game suggests, in so many different ways, that Joel’s actions were selfish and wrong. There is an implicit sense, throughout the story, and especially in the way it attempts to empathize with both its angsty emo female leads, that we should accept that Joel was wrong. That his actions were somehow immoral. The Last Of Us Part II SCREENSHOT: ERIK KAIN But Joel was not wrong. The doctors who decided to throw out their entire ethical and moral codes by sacrificing a young girl in the off-chance that they might come up with a cure were wrong. Ellie is wrong to suggest that a person who loves and cares for her should simply stand by and watch as she’s murdered. That’s preposterous. Any parent knows this. Any parent would do the same thing as Joel. And any doctor worth a damn would never harbor such intentions, no matter how many zebras they save from barbed wire. But in The Last Of Us Part 2, the doctor who decides to kill Ellie is portrayed as a good man who helps escaped zoo animals and loves his daughter. And his daughter, Abby, is somehow portrayed as justified in her brutal killing of Joel, and setup as an “equal” to Ellie in the game, given just as much (if not more) screen time by the time the credits role. I’ll get this out of the way right here: Abby’s revenge plot was deeply stupid from the start. At first, I didn’t even realize that this was the avenging daughter of the Firefly doctor because of how thin that rationalization would be. She doesn’t just kill Joel (who saved her life moments earlier, by the way) she makes him suffer. She wants it done slowly. And she does it with the support of a bunch of other people who, throughout the course of the game, are humanized and presented as sympathetic characters rather than the despicable monsters they are. (Later, Abby shows Ellie mercy despite her having killed several of those friends, which is kind of weird given the lengths she went to kill Joel . . .) It’s one thing to get revenge because you watch your surrogate father beaten to death with a golf club, bloody and crumpled on the floor. It’s another to get revenge because someone killed your own murderous father while rescuing an innocent girl who he was about to kill. I mean, really? I get that you’d be upset that somebody killed your dad, but when the reasoning is “he was saving his daughter from certain death” that sort of takes the wind out of those vengeance sails, doesn’t it? Maybe if not for Abby, then for her compatriots who might, given a moment to think about it, consider Joel’s actions self-defense. And sure, you might want revenge, or you might shoot the guy if you run into him and act in a moment of pique, but tracking him down and then making him suffer while beating him to death with a golf club when you’re fully aware he did it to save his daughter? Give me a break. The Last Of Us Part II SCREENSHOT: ERIK KAIN I’m just trying to puzzle out what kind of person goes this far out of their way to get bloody vengeance like this. A pretty evil person. Abby is evil right from the start. But the game and its creators don’t want you to think that. They want you to spend half the game empathizing with Abby. The other half of the game they want you to lose whatever respect you had for Ellie. The Last Of Us Part II already makes it clear from the outset that we should have very little respect for Joel and his past choices. Then, instead of creating a sympathetic antagonist in Abby, they make her about as evil as possible and then ask us to see things from her point of view. It doesn’t work. The real victim of all of this is Ellie, however. I used to like Ellie quite a bit, but not by the time I finished this game. So the whole game gets off to a rough start. It doesn’t get better from here. Ellie and Abby are the two playable characters in The Last Of Us Part II. You play as Joel for a few minutes before he’s bludgeoned to death. In many ways, he’s the lucky one. At least we get to remember him as the caring father who saved Ellie and stuck by her through thick and thin. The game can try to convince us that he was in the wrong, but we know better. Joel is spared the next agonizing 25 to 30 hours, minus some flashbacks which are its finest moments (and a good template for what this game could have, and probably should have, been). Ellie’s “death” is much more tragic, because the game proceeds to ruin her character in every subsequent scene, thoroughly destroying any semblance of who she once was and turning her into a relentlessly selfish, murderous jerk. All because somebody thought that a story about a cycle of revenge would be more interesting than a story about wandering through an abandoned museum. I bring that up because to me, the museum bit was the most powerful piece of storytelling in the entire game. In a flashback, Joel takes Ellie to a surprise. She tries to guess what it is along the way, and the two banter back and forth like the good old days. The surprise is an abandoned museum. The first thing you see is a giant T-Rex outside its doors, and if you’re the exploring type you discover that you can climb up its back and leap off its head into the pool below. Maybe you do this two or three times just because it’s so light and breezy and you desperately need a break from grim and awful. It’s such a cool bit of storytelling. It’s so at odds with the rest of the game. The Last Of Us Part II SCREENSHOT: ERIK KAIN Once inside the museum, Ellie and Joel explore the displays. There are various dinosaurs and astronaut suits, and even an old rocket ship which you can go into and imagine you’re taking off into outer space. You find an old Indiana Jones hat (a little nod to Uncharted) which you can toss onto one of the dinosaur’s heads. It’s imaginative and beautiful. The sequence takes a dark turn in the end, and that juxtaposition of whimsy and terror makes it by far my favorite part of the game. Joel and Ellie are still a team. They have some great bonding moments. There’s some laughs, a good scary bit and it’s done. I wish the entire game had been like this. Moments of beauty and moments of ugliness woven together in a kind of bleak harmony. Some contrast, some variety. Instead, it’s a game about two young women trying to kill one another, while everyone around them also tries to kill each other. You stab and/or break so many necks by the time it’s over, you start to feel a bit numb. It’s a game about hate and don’t you dare forget it. Let’s Not Bicker And Argue Over Who Killed Who The Last Of Us Part II SCREENSHOT: ERIK KAIN After Joel’s vicious murder, Ellie feels like crap. She wants revenge and so does Tommy, Joel’s brother. He sets out first and Ellie sets out a bit later, accompanied by her new girlfriend, Dina. Halfway through the game, you go back in time to when Ellie and Dina arrive in the city, but you play the next few days as Abby instead, seeing things through her eyes. This is an odd choice given how thoroughly we despise Abby at this point, and it never stops being an odd choice. While some of her story is interesting, she really isn’t. She’s a one-note character who, beyond being a murderer, does really crappy things to people she cares about. Abby sucks. A lot. In Seattle, two factions do battle as Ellie and Abby traverse the city, Ellie searching for Abby to get revenge, while Abby looks for her wayward ex-boyfriend, Owen. The Wolves and the Seraphites (nicknamed the Scars) vie for control of the city. The former is a group of former rebels who shook off the yoke of a tyrannical post-apocalyptic government and set up their own quasi-fascistic organization. Only now with burritos! They’ve taken in Abby and some other former Fireflies, like Owen. (They’re not a couple anymore, but Abby and Owen have sex in the game despite Owen’s current girlfriend being very, very pregnant. Because Abby is the worst). The Scars, meanwhile, are a fanatical cult-like group—the kind that shows up in video games like this and in TV shows like The Walking Dead. They’re kind of like The Whisperers from AMC’s zombie drama, as in they’re so over-the-top it’s completely immersion-breaking. The game’s writers must have thought they were crafting a realistic post-apocalyptic group, but the Scars come off as cartoonishly vile and utterly preposterous. Also, the Scars shoot arrows that are far more deadly than the most powerful gun in the game, so that’s a neat trick. Suffice to say, the Scars are a completely implausible group that cartoonifies the sequel in ways that simply didn’t happen in the first entry. There were some very bad people in the original Last Of Us, but I never rolled my eyes the way I did with the Scars. In any case, most of the game—after the opening and before the final act—takes place in Seattle across a three day period. Ellie and Dina arrive in Seattle and start tracking down Abby. During that same period, Abby explores the war-torn city and we see how the Wolves vs Scars war plays out. The Last Of Us Part II SCREENSHOT: ERIK KAIN Thus begins a story of revenge and violence in which Ellie stabs a couple hundred men and women in the jugular a few times and Abby breaks countless necks. Between the two of them, Ellie and Abby must murder a few hundred people, but of course only Joel and Abby’s father’s deaths warrant retaliatory bloodshed. All those other deaths? No big deal. Oh, and when you kill someone and another AI bad guy finds their body, they’ll call out the deceased’s name like it means something. “No, not Timothy!” “They killed Kenny!” “Brenda!!!” It’s another little touch that’s designed to make the game’s world and people seem more real. It doesn’t work. At all. Hearing Generic Bad Guy call out the name of Dead Generic Bad Guy only made me chuckle and roll my eyes. I’m coming for you next, pal. This shiv’s for you! We have the same half-dozen enemy character models repeated over and over again throughout the game, but I’m supposed to feel something—some sense of guilt, perhaps? Not hardly. I mean, the game doesn’t even give you a non-lethal option and stealth mechanics are severely limited so why not just murder everyone? The Slog Of Slogs The Last Of Us Part II SCREENSHOT: ERIK KAIN Meanwhile, pacing is a mess. The Last Of Us Part II drags on far too long with too many encounters, too many dramatic moments and too much redundancy. I’d take a game half the length with just a few more interesting set-pieces to replace all the endless slaughter. There are a few named characters Ellie finds and kills as she tracks down Abby, and at least one of these encounters has oomph (when Ellie discovers that she’s killed a pregnant woman, having just found out about Dina’s pregnancy) but largely this sense that we’re supposed to feel bad for all this killing feels more like something Naughty Dog is hammering into us rather than part of a well-crafted story. I watched a bit of footage I’d captured the other day where Ellie stabs this guy in the neck four or five times and it’s just gross. It doesn’t make me feel bad it just feels completely gratuitous. I simply don’t care about any of these people I violently murder in The Last Of Us Part II, and honestly, neither does Ellie. That may be the real problem with the game’s violence. It doesn’t square with the game’s seriousness or flimsy attempts at some kind of message. It’s so nihilistic so much of the time, you get the sense that there is no message. Nothing learned, nothing gained. No meaning to be found, even when you get to the dregs. Yes, we get a sense that Ellie is traumatized by all the violence. When Abby let’s her go for a second time, despite having just killed everyone Abby cares about (and despite Abby having proven already that she’s the vengeful type so this mercy makes no sense whatsoever) we follow Ellie and Dina and Dina’s new baby to a farmhouse where they’ve cobbled together a new life together. But what appears to be all peaches and sunshine falls apart when Ellie has a bad flashback. Tommy shows up and chastises her for not killing Abby. So Ellie gives up her nice little life and sets off again, to try to kill Abby again. Because Ellie learns nothing in this game. She must have left behind two hundred corpses in Seattle, including all of Abby’s friends, but that’s not enough to sate her thirst for comeuppance, and she doesn’t realize, bafflingly, that it will never be enough. Revenge won’t bring Joel back and it won’t assuage her guilt at how she treated him and it won’t lead to a life of happiness. But off she goes to California. The Last Of Us Part II SCREENSHOT: ERIK KAIN Many people who aren’t super-fans of Naughty Dog were incredibly upset by the game’s ending. So was I, but for somewhat different reason. We’ll get to that in a second. After her stint at the farm, Ellie abandons Dina and the infant they were raising together to once again seek out Abby, this time in Santa Barbarra. It’s just another way the game makes you hate Ellie. Her pettiness, her bitterness, her endless self-obsession and selfishness. That the game feels it necessary to have Ellie try for revenge once, fail, and then go out again is pretty ludicrous from a narrative standpoint, not only extending the game for no good reason—it’s about ten hours too long—but making Ellie out to be even more unsympathetic in the process. In any case, Ellie ditches Dina (who deserves better, quite frankly) and the child and heads to Santa Barbara. It’s a great location, all sun and heat compared to Seattle’s rain and gloom; orange and yellow instead of green and grey. Once again, Naughty Dog proves that it can craft some truly jaw-dropping environments. Your first moments in Santa Barbara are wonderfully scary and tense. But once again we have another group of wicked bastards to contend with. This group is called The Rattlers. The Rattlers aren’t as psycho as the Scars, but they’re close. They keep slaves and crucify troublemakers down at the beach. In Naughty Dog’s apocalypse, life truly is nasty, brutish and short. Psychopaths and creepy cults are everywhere. This group must have sounded good on paper but to me the Rattlers are just more cartoon villains for us to stab and shoot and blow sky high, this time with a silenced SMG in your arsenal. There must be a more nuanced take on the apocalypse that all these game and TV show studios could come up with, one in which people are complicated, and groups of people aren’t always so different from one another. But so far, only the Jackson, WY settlement seems to be comprised of real people with actual shades of grey. I’d say that Naughty Dog tried to make Abby and the Wolves complex, too, but they kind of botched that when they had them murder Joel in the very beginning. Every subsequent attempt to humanize Abby and her co-conspirators falls short thanks to that misstep. The Last Of Us Part II SCREENSHOT: ERIK KAIN In any case, back to Santa Barbara. The sequence starts with Abby and her companion Lev searching for the Fireflies in Santa Barbara. We met Lev back in Seattle. He and his sister were Scars, but they were cast out and were going to be killed when Lev cut his hair. Lev, we discover, is biologically female but wants to identify as male, and the uber-religious Scars think this is an unforgivable sin. It’s a pretty ham-handed attempt at tackling the issue of trans people and tolerance in the game, simply because the Scars are so outlandishly awful. But Lev is a good character and Lev and Abby’s relationship is the one point of redemption in Abby’s entire arc, and one which I wish Naughty Dog had handled almost entirely differently. More on that later. Abby and Lev are looking for the Fireflies so they can rejoin Abby’s old group, and just when they’ve made contact over the radio they’re ambushed and taken prisoner by the Rattlers. You can tell right away that these are Very Bad Dudes. Sometime later, Ellie shows up, following the lead Tommy gave her back at the farmhouse. She discovers the Resort and this new enemy faction after creeping through some very zombie-infested buildings. One thing this game does do very well is make the various spore zombies scary, as much through their terrifying warbling and screeching as anything. Naughty Dog’s sound design is matched only by their graphical prowess. Nobody can discount just how technically and artistically this game succeeds. It’s the writing, the narrative, where everything falls apart. And we come, at long last, to the ending. This Is The End, Beautiful Friend The Last Of Us Part II SCREENSHOT: ERIK KAIN Depending on how you play, you either sneak or blast your way through the Resort area until you free some prisoners and they tell you that Abby has already been taken and punished for trying to escape. So you head to the beach as the prisoners go to battle with their former captors (or what’s left of them after Ellie cleaved her bloody path through their ranks). She walks down to the beach. It’s dark. The sounds of combat echo in the distance. The sea is draped in fog. Abby and Lev, along with countless others, are hanging from posts, basically crucified and on the verge of death, skeletal from starvation. It’s as grim and awful as anything we’ve seen up to this point. It’s just that we’re all so very, very numb by now. Another fresh hell stuffed into 30 hours of grimdark violence, atrocity and betrayal. A powerful moment that needed to come much, much sooner. (Honestly, they should have scrapped California entirely and had Ellie find Abby strung up by the Scars in Seattle). Still, it’s probably the first time I felt real sympathy for Abby. No matter how much of a monster she was—a faithless friend, a brutal killer, a small-minded ruffian—it’s tough to see even your worst enemy starved, hanging from a post, dying slowly. And Lev was innocent. He didn’t deserve this fate. Nobody does. The Last Of Us Part II SCREENSHOT: ERIK KAIN When Ellie cuts her down, and Abby carries Lev to a boat to make good their escape, and it looks like Ellie has finally realized that revenge really doesn’t make anything better, I was actually pleasantly surprised. There is a beauty in mercy. Even Abby showed mercy—not once, but twice—to Ellie, after all. Abby is not a sympathetic character and nothing the game tries made me like her, but I do want to like Ellie. Ellie taking revenge on Joel’s killer might feel good, but Ellie showing mercy makes her more human. It makes her a better person. It means that after all this blood and death and hate, she could come out the other side as someone who has grown and changed and run the gauntlet of suffering and still come out the other side with her self intact. If she had simply turned around and left her to her fate, I could have accepted that ending as well. It would have been more cruel and Ellie would have been less humanized by it, but at least it would have been a decisive and powerful ending. Or if Abby were already dead, there would have been some poetic justice to that as well. Ellie’s hands would be clean. Well, not clean exactly but cleaner. I’ve heard it said those damned spots don’t come out. But instead, Ellie cuts her down. And they go their separate ways, not friends or allies, but united in suffering and tragedy. An end to the cycle of violence. Something like resolution, however bitter and incomplete. Only, no, not quite. We need some mud-wrestling, don’t we? We need to see the women get down and dirty. We need that sweet, sweet misery porn. What follows is the single worst moment in the entire game (aside from forcing us to play as Abby for fifteen hours of it, or the total character assassination of Ellie). Instead of cutting her down, showing mercy, Ellie decides that actually she still needs to get revenge. Wouldn’t want all that stabbing practice to go to waste, right? She’s going to stab this woman, who has been starving to death hanging from a pole, until she bleeds out and dies. Only, not really. Nope. She’s going to stab and slash her a few times and then let her go again. Fun times. This is really how I want to spend my video game time. Have Mercy The Last Of Us Part II SCREENSHOT: ERIK KAIN Now, a lot of people are angry that Ellie didn’t end up going through with it, that she spared her sworn enemy. They hated Abby and think that a satisfying ending required Abby to die, and Ellie to kill her. I think that’s rubbish. Sure, it could have worked in different circumstances. If Ellie and Abby had met on equal terms, for instance. But this “I’m going to save you and let you live, oh never mind time to die, oh never mind again you can live” nonsense is just bad writing. Revenge can be fun. John Wick does “fun revenge” very well. I remember watching Braveheart for the first time and William Wallace’s revenge was thrilling. But the moral of the story in serious works of fiction is that revenge is bitter (not bittersweet) and never quite plays out the way you’d hoped. It creates a cycle of violence that hurts everyone caught up in its wake. Hamlet is consumed by his desire for revenge—prompted by the ghost of his father—but in the end it just means that everyone dies, including innocents like Polonius and Ophelia and, though she’s perhaps a little less innocent, Hamlet’s mother as well. Revenge, like that green-eyed monster, jealousy, is dangerous. Something to be avoided if at all possible. Even justifiable revenge—think A Time To Kill—can lead to all sorts of problems. What this game needed in the end was grace. The kind of strange, unsettling thing that comes over someone when they suddenly realize something profound and choose to take a different path. When Ellie sees her emaciated enemy hanging from a poll and, instead of feeling gleeful satisfaction, feels only horror and pity, she acted with grace and mercy and, in that moment, became the person we hoped she would become. It was never about killing Abby. It was about Ellie finding her own redemption. And then they throw it all away. Two angry, beat up, half-dead murderesses slicing each other over and over again in the shallows, blood and saltwater spraying everywhere, until suddenly Ellie gives up and let’s Abby go. Again. I’m not one to usually criticize games for their violence, but this felt exploitative to me. And redundant. All that potential for mercy and grace lost. Ellie already let her go! She already came to the conclusion that she should let Abby live when she cut her down! Why go through all that again? Why have this horrible, violent, senseless slasher fight if, at its conclusion, Ellie simply let’s Abby go again? The ending could have worked with mercy or revenge as the outcome, but apparently the writers had trouble making up their minds about which direction they wanted to go, and decided to try and have their cake and eat it, too. The result feels sloppy, repetitive and frustrating. More than anything, this game’s ending needed to not beat around the bush. Either cut her down and let her live (mercy) or have Ellie take revenge (leave her to die) or have her already dead when Ellie gets there (chance). You can’t have it both ways, all ways, whatever. If you want to end the game with a knife fight, do that. But don’t make Ellie cut her down first. Have them meet as equals. It’s too much like Indigo Montoya helping the Man in Black up the cliff just so he can kill him. Only not in the least bit funny. The last scene, when Ellie returns home to an empty farmhouse, Dina and her baby long gone, is better. A fitting reward for Ellie’s selfish, self-destructive obsession with revenge. A game about hate, sure, but even more a game about loss. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine. The Last Of Us Part II SCREENSHOT: ERIK KAIN Not everything about The Last Of Us Part II’s story was terrible. I loved all of Ellie’s flashbacks with Joel and Tommy. I might have even enjoyed Abby’s if her character deserved it. As I noted further up, I also very much enjoyed the sights and sounds. Graphically, few games I’ve ever played can compare. For all its violence and misery, The Last Of Us Part II is a true beauty. Sound design, though, is what really makes it scary. When the game bothers trying to be scary it succeeds more often than not. Gameplay gets bogged down at times by the lack of a full-fledged stealth system and somewhat dense AI, but there are still some exhilarating sequences and combat, while far from my favorite, can be tense and exciting. There’s simply too much of it, like there’s too much of just about everything here. Too much crafting, too much scavenging (though remember there’s an option to make that more tolerable), too much story and too many hours of game to get through. For all my complaints—complaints I genuinely found made me dislike this game and everyone in it more and more the longer I played it, and the longer I stewed over it after—I still had something resembling fun while playing. I finished the damn thing, which is more than I can say for a lot of games. The Last Of Us Part II SCREENSHOT: ERIK KAIN I also really enjoyed the entire frightening intro sequence with Yara and Lev, and those characters in general. If only Abby had had some sort of dawning realization about Lev and her relationship with Lev made her better understand Joel’s actions. She could have let go of some of that hate. If Abby had realized that protecting Lev from Isaac and the WLF was basically exactly what Joel was doing by rescuing Ellie from her dad and the Fireflies (only he knew Ellie a lot longer) we might have actually had a story with some interesting dynamic character arcs. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I wish that The Last Of Us Part II had never been about Joel and Ellie at all, and that the entire thing had been the story of Abby and her desire for revenge and how that transformed into understanding and forgiveness for her father’s killer as she grew into the role of protector and surrogate mother for Lev. She could have found empathy along the way, and chosen to spare Joel’s life, sparing Ellie her own story of revenge and horror, and saving all four characters in the process. Perhaps a game about hate could have turned into a game about love, after all. The Last Of Us Part II SCREENSHOT: ERIK KAIN P.S. This was a strangely challenging review for me to write. I didn’t get a review copy so I was late to actually playing it, but even after I finished the game I had a hard time putting pen to paper. I finished my first draft of this review weeks ago and then found myself unable to come back to it. I’m not entirely sure why. In one sense, it’s because the game left me with such conflicting feelings. It’s clearly a very good game in many ways, and yet also sort of horrible at the same time. And even though I ultimately found the tale of revenge and violence too pretentious and not nearly as effective as its creators hoped, I was still haunted by it. It had emotional resonance even while not really standing up to scrutiny. So my apologies for the very late review, but sometimes that’s how it goes. Writer’s block is a helluva thing. forbes.com
    1 point
  15. Diminețile de iarnă cu minus 20 de grade Celsius în termometre sunt grele pentru orice mașină, fie ea diesel sau pe benzină. Însă, pentru micul motor 0.9 TCe de pe Dacia Sandero temperatura scăzută nu pare să fie mare problemă. Proprietarul unui astfel de exemplar a făcut un test pe mașina personală: pornire la rece la -20 de grade. De doar două secunde a avut nevoie pentru a porni mica unitate pe benzină în trei cilindri. Video Motorizarea pe benzină TCe 90 a apărut pe Dacia Sandero în anul 2013 La momentul lansării, în anul 2013, unitatea pe benzină TCe 90, era oferită pe modelele Logan și Sandero. Motorul reprezenta un simbol al excelenței grupului propulsor al grupului Renault. Acest motor excepțional combină plăcerea de a conduce, consumul redus de combustibil, emisiile reduse de CO2 cu costuri de funcționare minime. TCe 90 este un motor pe benzină turbo cu trei cilindri, cu o capacitate cilndrică de 898 cm3 care eliberează o putere de 66 kW (90 CP) la 5.250 rpm și generează un cuplu de 135 Nm de la turații reduse (90% de la 1.650 rpm), făcându-l plin de viață și receptiv, cu o accelerație lină. Acesta oferea șoferilor un echilibru optim între performanța la volan și consumul de combustibil. Consumul mediu este de aproximativ 4,5 litri/100 km. Nivelul emisiilor de CO2 este cuprins între 112 şi 115 g/km, în funcţie de modelul vehiculului. TCe 90 este „Made in Romania” Producţia acestui motor a demarat în a doua parte a anului 2012. În anul 2017, uzina Dacia de la Mioveni sărbătorea producția motorului turbo 0.9 TCe 90 cu numărul 1.000.000. Fabrica românească a fost prima în care a început producția acestui motor. Datorită configurației cu turbo și trei cilindri propulsorul TCe 90 cântărește cu 15 kg mai puțin decât un motor de putere echivalentă. O parte din piesele care îl compun (carterul de distribuţie, semela, capacul chiulasă, carterul cilindri, capacul palier, volanta şi arborele cotit) sunt fabricate în uzina Dacia. Unitatea se mai fabrică și la uzina Renault din Valladolid, Spania. Sursa
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Un mic adevar aici din partea mea, baiatu de mai sus stia de mult, da face pe nabu : ), asa am sa fac si eu cand ma prinde
    1 point
  18. Asta e exact ce fac eu you never know.. fingers crossed
    1 point
  19. Vei fi pus pe prima pagina a topicului la recordul doborat.
    1 point
  20. imi place fata micutului
    1 point
  21. Numele antrenorilor: ALECSANDER./ Costy / Standar Tipul antrenamentului: Terestru Data si ora antrenamentului: 17.01.2021 la ora 15:00 Exercitiile facute: 1. Deagle 3/3. Durata 15:00 minute. 2.Cop vs Robbers. Durata 20:00 minute. 3.Baseball Duels. Durata 15:00 minute. Alte precizari: Va asteptam in numar cat mai mare!
    1 point
  22. am patit pe pielea mea :(((
    1 point
  23. @Nero ToV imi place +1.
    1 point
  24. Traiasca Natia! La cererea adminilor 4+ urmatoarele topicuri au fost scoase de pe pin : Legende, Sugestii, Misiunea saptamanii, Discutii, Cartea Recordurilor. At the request of 4+ admins, the following topics were removed from the pin: Legends, Suggestions, Mission of the Week, Discussions, Book of Records.
    1 point
  25. Traiasca Natia! Fiecare învoire la antrenament sau ședință va adăuga câte 1 zi în plus la perioada minimă de promovare. - Exemplu: Standar este un membru de Rank 2 din NG, liderul a organizat o ședință la care Standar a pus învoire pentru un anumit motiv. Bineînțeles, liderul nu are voie să respingă această învoire. Așadar, în 4 zile urmează timpul de promovare al lui Standar la Rank 3, dar nu o să primească rank up atunci când apare ca promovabil pe RPG, ci va fi promovat de către lider cu 1 zi întârziere față de timpul minim. Regula nouă intră în vigoare de pe data de 18.01.2021. Each pass requests for any training session or mandatory meeting will add 1 more day to the minimum promotion time. - Example: Standar is a Rank 2 member of NG, the leader is holding a mandatory meeting for which Standar has posted an absence pass. Of course, the leader cannot deny this absence pass. Thus, in 4 days the member is supposed to be promoted, but he won't be promoted as indicated on RPG, but he will be promoted 1 day later than the minimum promotion time. The new rule will be put into effect starting with 18.01.2021.
    1 point
  26. Follow aici pentru a afla jocurile oferite gratis: https://www.instagram.com/manualul.gamerului/
    1 point
  27. @Vladut.DauModa uite abea ce m-am trezit si am zis sa intru putin pe samp.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Nick: Don.Vasy Level: 53 Rank: 1 Activitatea la care ma invoiesc: WARS Data: 15.01.2021 Invoirea ( din aceasta saptamana ) numarul : 1/2 Motivul: plec la bunici Alte precizari: succes la war
    1 point
    Foarte folositor pentru combaterea infractorilor de catre departamentele de politie din cele 3 orase, foarte frumos domnule tom.
    1 point
  30. @MsDv2.0, @GF MiHaY111 Bahaos, @g h i n d a, @Swide, @DinLikee, @GF NGB, evidenţele interviurilor voastre au fost verificate. Interviurile au fost acordate corespunzător. @GF NGB, ai gresit evidența interviului cu numărul 8057.
    1 point
  31. Salut, mult succes sper sa te simti bine aici.
    1 point
  32. Aplicatiile pentru tester sunt acum deschise! Va asteptam cu o aplicatie.
    1 point
  33. Maratonul Primarului, ziua 6, informatii importante. In ziua 6 de Maraton vreau sa ma laudati. Tot dupa ora 11 sa fie sarcinile. - Faceti un event de minim 5k al carui titlu sa fie "Ryz e cel mai bun primar" - Scrieti pe cea mai populara frecventa (106.9) textul "Ryz e cel mai bun primar" - Puneti un [/ad] cu textul "Ryz e cel mai bun primar", vreau poza cu anuntul publicat, nu cu /myad, - Spuneti la CNN LS, CNN LV, la punctul de start al jobului zilei si la poker pe /s "Ryz e cel mai bun primar" - Spuneti pe /w la 10 jucatori random "Ryz e cel mai bun primar" Va multumesc
    1 point
  34. Nick: .niggachu RPG Bar (mic): Nick-ul celorlalti participanti (daca exista): Lawson RPG Bar (mic) al celorlalti participanti (daca exista): Alte precizari: Tenia în clasificarea științifică a animalelor este un gen care cuprinde mai multe specii de viermi lați paraziți. Tenia este alcătuită din scolex, gât și segmente cu ouă. În fiecare segment există aprox. 100 000 ouă, iar segmentele sunt în jur de 1500 la număr. Tenia are o lungime neobișnuit de mare, între 6-10 metri. Formele adulte ale teniilor parazitează sistemul digestiv al carnivorelor din diverse specii, inclusiv omul, producând parazitozele grupate generic sub numele de teniaze. Formele larvare parazitează gazde intermediare ierbivore, domestice sau silvestre, la nivelul țesutului celular subcutanat, mușchilor, diverselor organe sau sistemului nervos central, producând parazitoze al căror nume și localizare diferă în funcție de tipul de formă larvară (cisticercoze, cenuroze, chisturi hidatice etc.). Ocazional, formele larvare pot infesta și omul, dacă acesta consumă carne insuficient preparată termic, producând boli a căror severitate depinde de localizarea acestora.
    1 point
  35. Si dupa iti da PD-ul ala 2/2 din run si slide in timp ce e pe G intr-un elicopter de SI dand licenta de sailing si concomitent dand un test de intrare pe secundar.
    1 point
  36. si eu ma bucur ca sunt sociabil cu colegii mei dragi ???
    1 point
  37. Insanatosire grabnica tuturor. Noroc ca nu am fost declarat pozitiv. Sa speram ca o sa scada numarul de cazuri pe viitor, eu cel putin respect distantarea sociala pe cat de mult posibil in spatiile aglomerate si port masca, in comparatie cu altii.
    1 point
  38. Nume în joc: Tule.rtv Contract ales:
    1 point
  39. Nume în joc: Tule.rtv Contract ales:
    1 point
  40. 6 ani. Still alive. Not died, cum eram dat acum câteva luni. Salutări tuturor.
    1 point
  41. Nick: Ne[X]uS Level: 56 Vârstă (reală): 15 ani. Sex (real): Masculin. Vechime pe server: M-am logat prima dată pe server cam pe la sfârșitul anului 2018. RPG profil LinK: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/Ne[X]uS Ai mai avut aceasta functie?: Nu, de aceea vreau sa incerc. Motivul pentru care doresc să fiu Primar: Doresc să fiu primar deoarece n-am mai deținut această funcție, doresc să comunic cu jucătorii, să-i ajut pe cei începători și să văd și eu ceva nou pe acest joc.. Ce intenționez să fac pentru jucători: 1. Organizez mai multe evenimente pentru jucători, indiferent de nivel. 2. Să organizez mereu sesiuni de donații [/charity], deoarece sunt destul de activ. 3. Încerc să fac multe chestii 'fun' pentru jucători, unde că jucătorii să se distreze (în limita tuturor posibilităților). 5. Taxa pe payday va fi mereu pe 1$. 6. Multe donații pentru jucătorii începători (nivel: 2 - 7).
    1 point
  42. Nume în joc: Tule.rtv Contractul ales:
    1 point
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