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  1. 2 points
  2. Vreti sa fie iar factiunile-departamentele la numarul maxim de playeri 50/50?
    1 point
  3. daca o bagi intr-un alt PC si nu merge inseamna ca s-a stricat .. si nu poti sa o repari singur in caz ca vrei sa cumperi alta: https://www.pcgarage.ro/placi-video/gigabyte/geforce-gtx-1050-oc-2gb-gddr5-128-bit/ https://www.pcgarage.ro/placi-video/sapphire/radeon-rx-560-pulse-4gb-ddr5-128-bit-lite/
    1 point
  4. Va dau un sfat, nu intrati in colaborare cu Bobo, pentru nimic. Daca ajutati comunitatea si plecati o sa se zica " Nu ai facut nimic ", cazul meu si a lui Mastertrap21. Oribil, daca s-a ajuns in acel punct in care el profita de toti... Voi mai prosti ca donati, pentru ce? pentru distractia voastra? Frate poti sa joci fara sa bagi bani pe comunitate. Cu siguranta o sa-mi primesc ban/warn pe forum de la Bobo/Kelton, dar sunt bine venite, cel putin imi exprim punctul meu de vedere. Pe langa astea, cu siguranta o sa-mi iau hate, dar ii ok.
    1 point
  5. Salutare baieti si fete! Am facut un mod care ne usureaza munca foarte mult, il gasiti mai jos Denumirea originala al modului: Las Venturas School Instructors helper Descrierea modului: Usureaza testele instructorilor pentru licente. Poze / Video (obligatoriu): Download Link: DESCARCA Instructiuni de instalare (obligatoriu): Plasati in folderul CLEO din folderul unde este instalat jocul GTA San Andreas, necesita SAMFUNCS Tot ce va ramane voua de facut este sa dati /stoplesson dupa ce candidatul a acceptat licenta oferita. Spre ca modul sa va usureze treaba si sa il folositi cu placere. Utilizati /lvsi in joc pentru afisarea comenzilor. Aici gasiti sursa modului, el poate fi verificat si .cs, nefiind criptat Comenzi explicate:
    1 point
  6. =)))))))))))))))) cea mai buna gluma pe 2018
    1 point
  7. Nickname: [eB]Păsăroi Rank: (6) LSPD Assistant Chief Am dat test cu: =HadeS= Data: 02.01.2019 Test teoretic: 3/3 Test practic: x/21 Rezultat (admis/picat): Picat. Alte mentiuni: Învată mai bine data viitoare! Nickname: [eB]Păsăroi Rank: (6) LSPD Assistant Chief Am dat test cu: .Mariuss Data: 02.01.2019 Test teoretic: 0/3 Test practic: 0/21 Rezultat (admis/picat): Admis. Alte mentiuni: Bravo!
    1 point
  8. nu prea poti pentru ca nu ai chat d-ala si in chatul normal, nu suna deloc amuzant crede-ma ca as vrea mai mult glume cu injuraturi decat cacaturile astea ce se posteaza, astea nu-s meme-uri, sunt template-uri dupa timpul lui ceausescu luate si modificate, exact cum mai faceau americanii pe imgur prin 2013-2014
    1 point
  9. Salutare tuturor! Vineri (04.01.2019) ora 18:00 avem sedinta OBLIGATORIE. Cine nu se prezinta este sanctionat cu Faction Warn. SEDINTA ANULATA VodKa, Arhix., Dalmore. LS Taxi STAFF
    1 point
  10. Nick: Cain.NUBAGLEGALE Factiune: National Guard (RPG1) Mesaj: Felicitări tuturor celor de pe aceasta lista si un an nou fericit!
    1 point
  11. Tot din familie o sa faci parte, Adi Multa bafta si tie, an nou fericit si tinem legatura! Esti un membru vechi si bun, ca restul. Hugs and kisses! ❤️
    1 point
  12. Din momentul acesta testerii vor fi împărțiți pe nivele, după cum urmează: Nivel 1 - Îl veți primii în momentul în care ați fost aleși pentru această funcție - Veți primii câte 5.000$ pentru fiecare test acordat. (I) Nivel 2 - Îl veți primii în momentul în care ați susținut cel puțin 15 de teste de intrare în facțiune - Veți primii câte 10.000$ pentru fiecare test acordat (II) Nivel 3 - Îl veți primii în momentul în care ați susținut cel puțin 30 de teste de intrare în facțiune- Veți primii câte 15.000$ pentru fiecare test acordat (III) Supervizor (Nivel 4) - Îl veți primii în momentul în care consider că sunteți destul de pregătiți pentru o asemenea responsabilitate. Veți primii câte 100.000$ în fiecare duminică (IV) NOTĂ: Supervizorul este ales doar dintre testerii de Nivel 3. From this time the testers will be divided into levels as follows: Level 1 - You will receive it when you have been elected for this function - You will receive $ 5,000 for each given test. (I) Level 2 - You will receive it when you have passed at least 15 faction entrance tests - You will receive $ 10,000 for each test given (II) Level 3 - You will receive it at the time you have submitted at least 30 entrance tests in the faculty - You will receive $ 15,000 for each given test (III) Supervisor (Level 4) - You will receive it when I think you are quite prepared for such a responsibility. You will receive $ 100,000 each Sunday (IV) NOTE: The supervisor is only selected from Level 3 Testers.
    1 point
  13. Modificare rank skinuri: Salutare Paramedici, skinurile au suferit mici modificări după cum urmează: Aveți 48 de ore să intrați în concordanță cu noile reglementări, în caz contrar trecem la sancțiuni! Modify skin rank: Hello Paramedics, the skin has undergone minor changes as follows: You have 48 hours to comply with the new regulations, otherwise we are penalizing!
    1 point
  14. Readăugare funcție: Salutare Paramedici, am hotărât să re-implementez funcția de Supervizor cu mici modificări. Supervizorii nu au dreptul să deranjeze cu întrebări atât testerul cât și candidatul în perioada evaluării/verificării; Nu se bagă în exercitarea activității testerului pe care îl supraveghează; El supraveghează corectitudinea întrebărilor cât și a răspunsurilor pe baza regulamentelor; Supraveghează respectarea regulamentelor atât pentru tester cât și pentru candidat pe întreaga perioadă de supraveghere; Verifică corectitudinea punctajelor acordate de către testerul evaluator; Propune liderului promovarea sau retrogradarea membrilor cu minim Rank 4, promovarea/retrogradarea la funcția de tester; Supervizorii pot susține și ei testele cu candidații facțiunii atunci când au timp și consideră necesar ( se va ține cont la activitatea personală; Supervizorii vor fi aleși dintre testeri de LEVEL 3 (Detalii despre acest sistem vor apărea astăzi ori mâine); Supervizorii au dreptul de a purta skinul de LIDER al facțiunii!; Add Function: Hello Paramedics, I decided to implement the Supervisor with small changes. Supervisors do not have the right to bother both the tester and the candidate during the evaluation / verification process; He does not exercise himself in the exercise of the tester he supervises; He oversees correctness of questions and answers based on regulations; Supervises compliance with regulations for both the tester and the candidate throughout the surveillance period; Verifies the accuracy of the scores awarded by the evaluator tester; Proposes to the leader the promotion or demotion of members with a minimum Rank 4, promotion / relegation to the tester function; Supervisors can also test their faculty candidates when they have time and consider it necessary (personal activity will be taken into account; Supervisors will be selected from LEVEL 3 testers (Details of this system will appear today or tomorrow); Supervisors have the right to wear the LIDER skin of the faction!;
    1 point
  15. -logo- *dimensiunile sunt cele folosite pentru steam*
    1 point
  16. Ma gandesc sa reinstalezi driverele placii video.
    1 point
  17. @Psk, @Sarmaluta Multumesc frumos pentru creatiile voastre insa mai astept, aveti fiecare cate un +1, tot asa in continuare, aveti toata sustinerea mea.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Am postat acest video deoarece mi se pare putin comic inceputul, dar continuarea este una de neuitat. Multumesc mult inca o data Norocell.. Ii multumesc mult si lui NeneaTROLL pentru sfaturile acordate pana acum si de acum incolo, si nu in ultimul rand va multumesc la toti membrii care faceti parte din aceasta frumoasa factiune. Eu o sa va ajut cum pot si cu ce pot, deci nu ezitati sa ma cautati. Cu aceasta ocazie va doresc un An Nou Fericit si numai bine. Va pupa TaTa!!:*
    1 point
  20. Și ce ai încercat mai exact încât ți-ai dat seama că nu se poate modifica mărimea textului? Faptul că ai ales ultima opțiune din meniul de mărimi prestabilite nu înseamnă că nu poți să-l mărești. Din câte observ, imaginea pe care lucrezi are o dimensiune enormă, cel mai probabil ți-ai creat un document de mărimi mari și ai făcut upscale la imagine. Sunt două metode ușoare de a-ți mării textul: 1. În căsuța numerică pe bara orizontală de sus unde apare 72 pt îți poți scrie mărimea dorită chiar și mai mare de 72. 2. O metodă mai comodă vizual este să folosești CTRL + V atunci când ai layer-ul cu textul selectat, urmând să tragi dintr-un colt cu mouse-ul până textul ajunge la mărimea dorită. Dacă folosești o versiunea mai veche de Photoshop îți recomand să ții apăsat SHIFT în timp ce redimensionezi textul pentru ca scalarea să fie proporțională. Îți recomand totuși să verifici mai bine mărimea documentului înainte. Presupun că vrei să faci un avatar, asta înseamnă că atunci când creezi un nou document completarea mărimilor ar trebuii să arate așa: https://i.imgur.com/5ikFYv0.png
    1 point
  21. Nume: w1zZard. Factiune: San Fierro Police Departament(RPG1) Mesajul tau: Felicitari tuturor de pe aceasta lista.
    1 point
  22. Like daca apreciati Pentru cine nu a auzit de Pablo Escobar click
    1 point
  23. The upcoming weekend offers up a much different release landscape than we have seen in some time with Christmas falling on a Tuesday. The last time that happened was 2012 and before that 2007, and the holiday positioning opens things up for several ways of looking at, and evaluating, the crop of upcoming releases over the next several days. That being said, we'll be looking at a seven-day release for Disney's Mary Poppins Returnsand a five-day release for this Friday's debuts for Aquaman, Bumblebee, Second Act and Welcome to Marwen as each looks to take advantage of Christmas Day, which is consistently the largest movie-going day of the year. Expected to easily top the holiday frame is Warner Bros.'s release of Aquaman, the latest addition in the studio's DC Extended Universe and it is already off to an excellent start after a massive launch in China two weeks ago, and thus far generated over $266 million internationally after adding additional markets this past weekend. As for this week's domestic debut, it's arriving in over 4,100 locations with studio expectations targeting a $67+ million three-day while industry expectations are looking at a $120 million five-day performance from Friday through Christmas Day. The film has also already held exclusive previews for Amazon Prime customers and will have two separate days of previews leading up to its official, Friday release. That said, let's try and unpack this a little bit further. Beginning with the film's Amazon Prime preview event this past Saturday (12/15), it brought in a massive $2.9 million, over one million more than the $1.86 million Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle brought in from its Prime preview event in advance of a Wednesday launch that saw the film deliver over $50 million in five days and over $71 million in six days with Christmas Day serving as that sixth and final day, exhibiting the holiday's box office might. On that note, a look at IMDb page views shows Aquaman out-pacing Jumanji leading up to release, though given the difference in date ranges, not to mention the franchise boost Aquaman gets, it doesn't make for a very good apples-to-apples comparison. For that matter, a lot of the comparisons we've been looking at aren't as "good" as they are insightful due to their position on the release calendar. A look at IMDb page view data for films such as Justice League, Guardians of the Galaxy, Venom, Doctor Strange, Thor: Ragnarok and Wonder Woman shows Aquaman outpacing all of them leading up to release, some by a significant margin. So what does this mean for Aquaman? Based on the numbers we're looking at, if this was a standard, three-day weekend we might be looking to go with a $90-100+ million three-day for Aquaman, but that's before we take into account the holiday timing and current competition which includes not only last weekend's #1 movie, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, but this weekend's Bumblebee, both of which will factor into Aquaman's performance. That said, we've started to consider what could have been a $90-100 million three-day and translated that to a five-day performance, which puts us more in the range of a $110-125 million five-day. This then translates to a $70-80 million three-day weekend. We haven't yet received a reply from WB as to how they'll be handling the Amazon Prime grosses, which Sony reported separate from the opening weekend grosses for Jumanji and Hotel Transylvania 3, but WB will likely be adding Wednesday and Thursday preview grosses to Friday's number, which also makes an accurate forecast even more difficult to nail down. As for those previews, WB will hold special Real-D previews on Wednesday night in 200+ locations beginning at 7PM followed by Thursday previews in over 3,300 locations beginning at 5PM. The film will then open in virtually every conceivable format — 2D, 3D, IMAX, Dolby Cinemas, PLF, Dine-Ins, Drive-Ins and D-Box Motion Seats — on Friday in over 4,100 theaters. Internationally, Aquaman will open in Korea and France on Wednesday, followed by releases in Germany and Spain this weekend. We next move to Mary Poppins Returns, which debuts on Wednesday, December 21, giving the film a full seven-day run, ending on Christmas Day. The sequel starring Emily Blunt in the title role arrives 54 years after the original and will begin its run in over 4,000 locations with industry expectations looking for a seven-day debut north of $55 million. Depending on your perspective, comps for the title range from last year's The Greatest Showman and 2016's animated release Sing. Additional, and obvious comps, include 2014's Into the Woodsand 2012's Les Miserables. Varying release schedules in relation to Christmas Day makes direct comps of these titles difficult, but they all provide evidence of films that enjoyed lengthy box office runs with the 4.1x multiplier for Into the Woods being the "worst" of the four films. Overall, they have an average multiplier of 5.75x for the three films excluding the monster, 19.8x multiplier for Greatest Showman, which is in a class of its own in that respect. While this information doesn't exactly allow us to narrow down an opening performance, it should help put whatever the performance is into perspective. Mary Poppins is a long-term play and a seven-day performance around $55-65 million and a three-day around $28-33 million shouldn't be looked at as a struggle, but more of an early start on a run that should play well into 2019. Internationally, Mary Poppins will debut in Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland and Austria this weekend while opening on Christmas Day in Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia. Paramount's Bumblebee is the first film in the Transformers franchise to debut outside the summer season and the more family-friendly approach from director Travis Knight (Kubo and the Two Strings) appears to have already paid off with critics. The $135 million production has earned a Certified Fresh score of 97% on RottenTomatoes (miles better than any of the previous five releases) and a look at IMDb page view performance shows the film outpacing Transformers: The Last Knight ($44.7m opening) leading up to release. Of course, poorer and poorer reviews for each of the subsequent Transformers films puts Bumblebee in something of a "prove yourself" position with audiences, not to mention competition from Aquaman as well as the second weekend of Sony's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, which also received strong reviews and a coveted, "A+" CinemaScore from opening day audiences. The good news in this scenario, however, is the film is in a good position to actually earn back its audience and also enjoy a long run at the box office as a second or third choice behind those two aforementioned films. So, while Paramount is remaining conservative, anticipating a debut in the low $20 millions for the $135 million production, don't be surprised to see a $26+ million three-day, translating into a $40-45+ million five-day. STX's romantic comedy Second Act will debut in approximately 2,600 locations on Friday with industry expectations anticipating a debut around $8 million, which lines up similarly to what we're seeing. The two comps we've focused on for the Jennifer Lopez-led feature are 2013's Baggage Claim and 2012's The Guilt Trip, both suggesting a debut anywhere from $7-9 million for the five-day, which would mean a three-day anywhere from $4.7-6 million. The final new wide release over the coming seven days is Universal Pictures and DreamWorks Pictures's Welcome to Marwen, a narrative adaptation of the story told in the 2010 documentary Marwencol and early signs aren't positive. Industry expectations peg the film's five-day performance somewhere around $7 million for the $39 million production. In terms of comps, we've been looking mostly at films such as Downsizing ($4.95m opening) and Eddie the Eagle ($6m opening) and when comparing IMDb page views, Marwen is pacing slightly behind both leading up to release. Added to that, the lack of awards for this one and not a single review yet to be posted online doesn't bode well for either the film's opening or its longevity. Expanding nationwide this weekend, both The Favourite and Mary Queen of Scots will be heading into over 700 theaters with the former having an outside shot at making it into the top ten after already playing well in limited release, finishing in 12th position each of the last two weekends. In limited release, Yash Raj will be releasing Zero while Amazon Studios debuts Cold War into three theaters. This weekend's forecast is directly below. This post will be updated throughout the week, including Friday morning with Thursday night previews*. Following that we'll update with Friday estimates on Saturday morning, weekend estimates on Sunday morning and a complete recap following Christmas. Source
    1 point
  24. O descriere a filmului: Okolofutbola (în rusă: Околофутбола) este un film rusesc din 2013, regizat de Anton Bormatov. Filmul este bazat pe evenimente reale și prezintă povestea unei grupări de huligani fotbalistici. Trailer: Poze: Părere personală: O încercare rusească de a copia GSH. Nu e rău filmul, dar finalul putea fi lucrat mai mult. Povestea este interesantă, actingul (în afară de personajele principale) e slăbuţ. Sursa: Recenzie personală + Wikipedia
    1 point
  25. Nume: V86ulpea Level: 79 RPG Server: RPG1 Facţiune: LV TAXI Mesaj: Felicitari tuturor de pe lista!
    1 point
  26. @VegiTTo Nu cred că a menționat că vrea poze cu tine. TOPIC CLOSED N-ai menționat o temă.
    1 point
  27. Hei domnisoara politist, niuton helperul e mai tare ❤️
    1 point
  28. Încearcă să le salvezi în format PNG și vezi după.
    1 point
  29. @CapitanFROG poți fii mai precis?
    1 point
  30. Nick: Sawubonai Rank: 4 Am dat test cu: Shady Data: 25/09/2018 - Test teoretic: 0.3 - Test Practic: 0/21 Rezultat (admis/picat) : Admis Alte mentiuni: Felicitari!
    1 point
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